street art

Sam Songailo

Adelaide Fringe Review: Augmented Reality mural activation brings street art to life in Port Adelaide

Port Adelaide has long been a street art hub, with the Wonderwalls Festival being a celebrated event. Both local and international artists have produced large scale murals, making the Port an artistic destination. For the 2022 Adelaide Fringe, Adelaide artists Vans the Omega and Dave Court have combined forces to create virtual reality interpretations of…

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Sydney Film Festival Review: Martha: A Picture Story is a sharp look at her many pictures of you

They say if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. American photographer, Martha Cooper fits this to a tee. She has had a long and storied career capturing some fine images of urban landscapes, and changing towns and communities. Martha: A Picture Story is like a love letter to…

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Claire Foxton talks blending fine art and graffiti ahead of Wollongong Wonderwalls Festival

No longer confined to the back streets of grungy inner-city suburbs, street art has really started to make it’s mark on Australia’s urban landscape. Among the artists who create these modern monoliths is Kiama-local Claire Foxton. Her realistic portraits, rendered in tremendous detail, pay homage to local heroes from across the country. Claire is one of…

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Street artist Alex Lehours talks Deadpool, his process and political cheekiness.

Street artistry sometimes straddles the line of either political, artful or a bunch of taggers making a building more ugly than it is, but the above mural from street artist Alex Lehours has made an impression on many walkers of the Sydney suburb of Sydney. The piece advertising the release of Deadpool on DVD, Blu-ray…

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