

Guest Playlist: Supathick share the songs that inspired “Own My Mind”

If you like your pop funky and fresh with a dash of RnB and a good dose of soul, then look no further than Perth’s Supathick. Led by the creative Christian Zappia, the band burst out of the blocks in 2020 with their EP, Dinner And A Film, and have been building their fanbase ever…

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New Music Discoveries 3rd June: Miiesha, Joyeur, Kwasi and more

We’re entering June with eleven new tracks being added to our Discovery playlist on Apple Music and Spotify.  Our Track of the Week belongs to Miiesha and her track “Everything” from her new EP Mirrors, which is out today! The track has everything we’ve come to expect from the Anangu/Torres Strait Islander artist: sublime, smooth…

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Live Review: Spacey Jane + Supathick – Red Hill Auditorium, Perth (09.10.21)

“This venue is daunting to play,” admitted Spacey Jane lead singer Caleb Harper early in their maiden set at Perth’s revered Red Hill Auditorium on Saturday night. Given Western Australia’s hard border, Perth-based Spacey Jane have gigged in their hometown countless times before, but playing at Red Hill is something else altogether, as a wonderful,…

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