You ever sit down with a game, settle in with it, familiarise yourself with the controls and prepare for the inevitable hook that will lead you on your quest? My experience with Fe was fine right up until the part where the hook was supposed to arrive. It never did. Forty minutes after booting the…
Read moreReview enough games for a living and eventually you’ll come across one that feels like it has everything going for it — looks, concept, the lot. The Deer God falls squarely into this category. On paper, it has the makings of an indie darling. In execution, it is a muddled little game that doesn’t seem…
Read moreThe game with the most to-the-point subtitle we’ve seen in a while, Atomik: RunGunJumpGun, has arrived on the Nintendo eShop today. That’s only the first thing you should know. The second is that there’s a trailer and you have to watch it because it rules extremely hard.
Read moreNintendo have confirmed on social media that their paid online multiplayer service, Nintendo Switch Online, will open its doors in September 2018.
Read moreNintendo Australia have come through with local pricing for the first wave of just-announced Nintendo Labo kits for the Switch. Hit the jump to see how much you’ll be paying when they drop April 20.
Read moreIt’s been five years since disaster befell Dutch developer Two Tribes B.V. and a large percentage of their staff were retrenched, spelling the end for the studio. They were not, however, prepared to go down without a fight and the remaining staff battled on to complete what would become Two Tribes’ last game, a twin-stick…
Read moreGod, DOOM is good. It’s so good. It was good when we reviewed it on PS4 last year and it remains good now, almost 18 months later, as it debuts on the Nintendo Switch. One of the biggest questions gamers had for the Switch at launch was whether it could support portable versions of major AAA releases….
Read moreSuper Mario Odyssey is the good and pure video game that this awful world needs right now. It is the kind of game that gives you hope for the form. It reminds you that AAA games can still be more than pretty window dressing for a microtransaction storefront. That they can actually still be fun. It’s a…
Read moreFire Emblem Warriors attempts to mash up the long-running series of turn-based tactical RPGs with Koei Tecmo’s equally venerable Dynasty Warriors. On paper, this seems like a novel idea — these are two properties that seem like they’d be a good fit. In practice, Fire Emblem Warriors is the video game equivalent of swigging orange juice after brushing your…
Read moreNintendo have debuted a new 45 minute Nintendo Direct broadcast this morning, covering a range of titles releasing for their 3DS and Nintendo Switch consoles over the next two quarters. You can watch the broadcast in full, and get a full list of everything Nintendo talked about, after the jump.
Read moreA brand new Nintendo Direct presentation will broadcast on Twitch this Thursday morning at 8am AEST. The 45 minute broadcast will be primarily focused on upcoming Switch and 3DS titles.
Read moreSonic Mania is a gift. For Sega kids everywhere, it is a portal to your childhood. For long-suffering Sonic fans, it is a well overdue homecoming. It is proof that the Sonic the Hedgehog formula, abandoned in the Saturn era, is as fun, interesting and engaging as it was in the early 90’s. After nearly 25 years of…
Read moreA few hours of playing Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle at Ubisoft’s Australian HQ last week made me really glad I sank so many hours into XCOM. Behind its outwardly cute and cartoonish exterior beats the heart of a stone-cold killer.
Read moreWhen I first got my hands on Splatoon 2 at a Nintendo Switch preview event in Melbourne back in February, my first thought was that this was a rare display of laziness from Nintendo. There wasn’t anything that felt hugely different from the 2015 Wii U original other than the ability to take the game with you. I…
Read moreNintendo have announced that the long-awaited fourth entry in the Metroid Prime series is officially in development during their Nintendo Spotlight E3 presentation.
Read moreOne of the oddest surprises of this year’s E3 Expo has been Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. Ubisoft’s collaboration with Nintendo raised eyebrows when it debuted during yesterday’s #UbiE3 Press Brief but after spending some time with the game on the show floor this afternoon, we’re all but convinced that this is a game to watch.
Read moreI’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever truly get Pokken Tournament. As a fighting game idea, it’s great! In practice, at least for some, it’s a spectacular fighter, full of surprise twists and reversals of fortune. For me, it remains an odd experience, though one that feels perhaps more at home on the Switch than it did…
Read moreWriting a Minecraft review in 2017 feels a bit like an exercise in fertility. What the hell am I going to write about that hasn’t been covered elsewhere a million times before? What is there to talk about in a game this exhaustively covered? The answer to these questions is quite obviously “not a damned thing,”…
Read moreWhen publisher Grey Box announced Australian pricing for their forthcoming puzzle adventure title Rime, Nintendo Switch owners couldn’t help noticing that the game was significantly more expensive on their console than it was on any other. Grey Box have now addressed the issue, and detailed exactly what they plan to do about it.
Read moreI’d be lying if i said that I don’t approach a Mario Kart review with a certain amount of trepidation. You know what you’re getting into with a Mario Kart title — vehicular barbarism and savagery on parade, draped in the charming trappings of a cartoon. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe does not go out of its way to assuage…
Read moreBomberman is one of those gaming franchises that has achieved Institution status. For many of us, even those of us who were born in the Eighties like me, it seems like the little guy has always been around. After series developer Hudson Soft folded up in 2012, it seemed like Bomberman‘s generation spanning run had finally…
Read morePokemon developer Game Freak have caused a bit of a stir in the last few days following a pair of openings on job recruitment website Indeed. While there’s certainly nothing set in stone at this point, there are several indicators that point to a potential new console-based Pokemon title.
Read moreSnipperclips is a game that sees two or more players using their Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controllers to manipulate their own bell-shaped paper blob to overlap other players and use their bodies to cut shapes into their friends. These shapes are then used to solve any number of geometric puzzles. That’s it. That’s the whole game….
Read moreHave you already run out of things to do in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and are thinking about starting a new game? Maybe your partner or sibling wants to start a game of their own? Previous Zelda titles have made allowances for situations just like these, providing up to three save slots so…
Read moreI spent a good half an hour trying to come up with a headline for this review before settling on the one you just clicked on. I spent a lot longer trying to review the game itself — you may notice that we’re coming in rather later with this review than some of our contemporaries. The…
Read moreFor those who grabbed the $99.95 Nintendo Switch Pro controller on Friday, you might be surprised to know that your shiny new controller bears a secret message.
Read moreFor those who picked up Nintendo Switch yesterday, there was one must-have software purchase — The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. But what about those looking to try something other than Zelda? We know there’s one or two of you, and we want you to know that we hear you. With that in mind, here’s…
Read moreShortly before Christmas, we at The Iris offices received a very exciting email. Nintendo Australia was inviting us (among a slew of other local games media) to Melbourne to spend some hands-on time with their newest console, the Nintendo Switch. 24 hours after Nintendo gave the world a substantial look at what the new machine…
Read moreTechnical specs for any games console are always one of the first things hardcore players look to when thinking about whether or not to throw down that all-important pre-order. No-one really knew what to expect from the Nintendo Switch in terms of power or useability. The good news is that Nintendo have finally released the…
Read moreWe spoke a little in our hands-on event wrap-up piece about how it felt to actually wield the Joy-Con controllers in their many different configurations, but in this piece we intend to go more in-depth. What works, what doesn’t and where we think there’s room for even more exciting ways to use the Joy-Con.
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