Sydney Weekend Guide

Best things to do in Sydney this long weekend (Sep 30th-Oct 3rd)

It seems like quite some time since we last had a long weekend, but thankfully the time has come for Labour Day to do what it does best and celebrate labour by subtracting it from our lives for one day. Monday 2nd October will (hopefully) be a work-free, stress-free day for you so make the…

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Best things to do in Sydney this weekend (24th-26th June)

Just because Sydney is winding down from three of June’s biggest events (Sydney Film Festival, Vivid, and Supanova), doesn’t mean that there is a shortage of excitement around the city this weekend. There’s quite a few exciting happenings around town, and we’ve picked out some of our favs for you get across, including some that…

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Best things to do in Sydney this weekend (17th-19th June)

There’s a lot going on around Sydney, and while most of it’s fun there’s some tearful goodbyes too as we farewell two of the city’s biggest events – Sydney Film Festival and Vivid Sydney – for yet another year. This is your last chance to charge up with the energy of both events while also…

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Best things to do in Sydney this long weekend (10th-13th June)

The Queens Birthday Long Weekend is here! Of course, going out and enjoying all you can possibly enjoy within the boundaries Mike Baird has so carefully set for us is imperative. Luckily, there’s plenty on this weekend so we thought we’d ’round up some of our favourites. Make sure you’re across these options below! Yeezy…

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The best things to do in Sydney this weekend (Easter Special: 25th-28th March)

One of the most anticipated holidays of the year, Easter, is coming this weekend, and even for those who aren’t big on the reason behind this faithful day, it’s hard not to embrace the extended weekend and penchant for spreading chocolate throughout the city with open arms, but there’s so much more than just chocolate…

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Best things to do in Sydney this weekend (18th-20th March)

There are some very big things going down in Sydney this weekend, with the most super-sized being the start of The 20th Biennale of Sydney. So much mind-bending, challenging activities and art exhibitions will be spread across seven Sydney venues fashioned as “Embassies of Thought”; it’s a packed program with something for pretty much everyone…

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Best things to do in Sydney this weekend (11th-13th March)

This heat isn’t going anywhere, which is perfect since A Moveable Feast will be making it’s long awaited debut on Bondi Beach this Saturday, adding to the rich stock of events happening around the city that also include four-day food and drink festival Taste of Sydney, a heap of events as part of Spectrum Now,…

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Best things to do in Sydney this weekend (4th-6th March)

It’s the first weekend of autumn for 2016 but that doesn’t mean the carefree summer nights are going anyway. Just two days ago it was reported that March will be mostly hot, leaving a traditional autumn to start sometime in April instead. It’s good news for Sydneysiders, especially those heading out this week since there…

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Best things to do in Sydney this weekend (26th-28th Feb)

This is the last weekend of summer Sydney and while the weather keeps turning the heat up it’s best to go get outdoors and explore all the awesome events on across the city over the next three days. An absolute must is the Sydney Cellar Door in Hyde Park, but there’s also a big festival…

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Best things to do in Sydney this weekend (19th-21st Feb)

It’s the freakin’ weekend, the second last of summer for this year as a matter of fact, and Sydney’s vibrant weekend culture isn’t fading one bit with the start of the big Mardi Gras festival as well as the big rally planned for Keep Sydney Open. There are plenty of delicious, fun, and interesting things…

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Five things you need to do in Sydney this weekend (12th-14th Feb)

Sydney has turned the heat back on just in time for you to enjoy the last two weekends of summer in this beautiful harbor city. Hanging to the beach is a no-brainer or Sydney life, but there’s also a handful of really cool events happening in various corners around the city and surrounds. Here are…

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Five things you need to do in Sydney this weekend (5th-7th Feb)

From a Rum-driven Yum Cha concept in Bondi to Lunar Markets to celebrating Canada’s national dish, Poutine, the right way. Here are some of the many things to do around Sydney this week, with these five especially seeming like the best way to make the most of your weekend. Rum Cha at The House of…

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Five things you need to do in Sydney this weekend (29th-31st Jan)

There’s no shortage of interesting things to do around Sydney this weekend, nor is there a lack of new restaurants and bars to help you keep your plans flowing along nicely. Here are five things to throw on your to-do list for this Friday 29th Jan to Sunday 31st Jan, from the highest silent disco…

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