Team Ninja

Rise of the Ronin merges fantastic combat with bloated open-world design

My past couple of weeks with Rise of the Ronin have left me feeling a little conflicted. I’ve been bouncing back and forth between the logic of my mind and the feeling of my heart. In many ways, this is a true cut above developer Team Ninja’s previous efforts with something like Nioh. Its combat…

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Game Review: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty feels both fresh and familiar at the same time

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty comes to us from developer Team Ninja; yes, the same Team Ninja behind both Nioh and Nioh 2. Much like those games, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a challenging and satisfying romp that largely succeeds at providing consistently cohesive combat mechanics and confident pacing. While its boss battles serve as the…

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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Review: They did the mash

For the first few hours, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order feels very much of a time and place — specifically 2006, which was when the previous installment was released. My first impression was of a game that felt rather samey, and a touch clunky at times. Critically, and despite its 13 year hiatus,…

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Video Games Review: Nioh carves out its own identity with interesting mechanics (PlayStation 4, 2017)

It’s almost impossible for Nioh to dodge comparisons to the Dark Souls franchise. From Software’s monstrously brutal action RPGs have become touchstones for hardcore gaming in the 21st century but, as Team Ninja prove with their latest title, there’s more than enough room for improvement. Instead of coming across as a desperate imitation, Nioh draws it’s strength…

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Tokyo Game Show 2015: Ni-Oh lives! Team Ninja’s lost title arrives on PS4 next year!

Ni-Oh was originally announced as a PS3 title back in 2010. It dropped off the radar and many assumed it was cancelled. Not so. Sony have announced during their TGS press con that the game will see the light of day on the PS4 next year.

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