Telltale Games

Telltale Games to partner with Marvel on a new episodic adventure

Marvel have used a special event in San Francisco today to talk about their plans in the video game market to announce a partnership with Telltale Games, who will develop games based on Marvel’s myriad properties. The first of those titles is expected to arrive on currently unspecified platforms in 2017, but Marvel did not…

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Games Review: Tales from the Borderlands – Episode 2 (PC, 2015)

It’s been almost four months since the first episode of Tales from the Borderlands was released and the wait for the next installment has been an especially long one. Telltale are obviously aware of the delay, opening their “Previously on” intro with the line “Yes, yes, it’s been a while. Everyone knows.” This cheeky, self-aware…

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Games Impressions: Tales from the Borderlands – Episode One: Zer0 Sum (PC, 2014)

The second of three Telltale Games releases this holiday season, the first episode of Tales from the Borderlands is a step in a different direction for the developer. Usually preferring slower-paced story-telling with a focus on dialogue, “Zer0 Sum” smashes theatrically through the walls of Telltale’s comfort zone and takes you on a pacey, action-oriented…

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Games Review: The Wolf Among Us (PS4, 2014)

I’m kind of a comic book nut. When Telltale Games announced that they were releasing a noir point-and-click adventure based on Bill Willingham’s FABLES series of graphic novels, I was pretty excited. Though The Wolf Among Us released earlier this year in it’s entirety on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, the game has just seen…

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