The Cloverfield Paradox

Higgs Boson Blues: The simple reason fans are having trouble connecting The Cloverfield Paradox to the Cloververse

The new Netflix film The Cloverfield Paradox has had something of a remarkable life. In an unprecedented (yet perhaps inevitable) move, the streaming service dropped the film right after the Super Bowl on Monday, having only officially announced it during that very event. Since it was released, numerous articles and reddit threads have emerged, trying…

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Film Review: The Cloverfield Paradox (USA, 2018) is not so complex

Not so long ago, in a galaxy pretty close, on a planet called Earth we saw the release of Cloverfield. Ten-Years-Ago to be precise. It was a hit at the time, unique with its clever use of found footage that had not been done to death (just yet). With J.J. Abrams producing and Matt Reeves…

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Surprise! There’s a new Cloverfield movie out right now on Netflix

After being rumoured for years, and first known under the title “God Particle”, the third film set in the Cloverfield universe has been released today on Netflix in a surprise move from Paramount Pictures, who had long planned the film for a cinematic release. The film, which we now know is called The Cloverfield Paradox,…

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