the cow

Interview: Brianne Tju on making Gone in the Night, the comfort of the horror genre, and the “beautiful experience” of working with Winona Ryder

Quickly earning the title of “new generation scream queen” is something that Brianne Tju seems to be wholeheartedly embracing, and her continued foray into the darker subsects of the genre are only further cementing her status. Having slashed and screamed her way through the streaming series’ of both Scream and I Know What You Did…

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The Cow; A slow burn thriller with a wild reveal that asks more questions than it answers: SXSW Film Festival Review

For such a scrappy little feature, Eli Horowitz‘s The Cow has some impressive calibre that will no doubt help earn it some extra eyes beyond the unique indie crowd this seems tailor made for. Headlined by Winona Ryder (always a treat to see taking charge these days) and a suitably disarming Dermot Mulroney, The Cow…

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