The Detective’s Handbook

Arts Review: The Detective’s Handbook – Hayes Theatre Co (Performances until 7th May)

Who knew the old trope of the hard-boiled detective paired with eager up-and-coming youth set to solve crime and make safe the streets could be so smoothly re-imagined as a musical? An utterly hilarious musical at that! Ian Ferrington, writer of “The Detective’s Handbook” sure did. For hilarious it is. The audience could hardly save…

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Rob Johnson on the hardboiled genre & tap sequences of The Detective’s Handbook (Hayes Theatre from April 21)

Set in the Chicago 1950s The Detective’s Handbook follows Frank Thompson and his young partner Jimmy Hartmann as they investigate the murder of two policemen. Rob Johnson plays Hartmann, a new recruit determined to do it “by the book” who clashes hilariously with the world-weary Thompson. We caught up with Rob during rehearsals to find…

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