If you can look at this Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood concept art and not hear the Skyrim theme, you might be fibbing. Bethesda’s popular MMORPG is enjoying something of a golden age. The return of daedric lord Mehrunes Dagon has drawn many old and relapsed fans back into the fold. The latest in a string…
Read moreXbox and Bethesda have partnered with Aussie controller kit bashers We Are Robots on a demonic new Xbox Series X|S controller to celebrate The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood. The entire Xbox controller resembles Mehrunes Dagon. In the Elder Scrolls lore, Dagon is the Daedric prince of destruction. Oblivion’s own CEO of being a naughty boy,…
Read moreDo you like Elder Scrolls Online, Oblivion, hot sauce and healthy competition? Do ever wish that your three extremely disparate niche interests would overlap? Good news: they have, and you can check out the full story right here. Thanks to Bethesda ANZ, The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood and Melbourne Hot Sauce, we’ve got five bottles…
Read moreTo promote the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood, Bethesda ANZ has partnered with Melbourne Hot Sauce to create an ultra-spicy hot sauce. The sauce, called the “Hot Sauce of Oblivion,” weighs in at around 600,000 scovilles, the unit used to measure the heat contained in spicy food. As off-the-shelf hot sauces go, that’s pretty…
Read moreThe Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood is trying to solve to an impossible problem the game has grappled with for most of its life. Unable to fully emulate the trappings of its beloved parent series, and willing to fully embrace being its own thing, TESO has instead tried to do both. For the longest time, it has…
Read moreThe Elder Scrolls Online‘s latest expansion, Greymoor, has arrived, adding a wealth of new content to the overall game Now, the entire Western Skyrim is open for adventurers to explore. And my gosh is it just beautiful. I’ve never actually played an Elder Scrolls game before, not even for the Switch. This makes The Elder Scrolls…
Read moreI’m in a funk with The Elder Scrolls Online — and I’m not sure how to feel. Its latest expansion, Elsweyr, brings skeletons, zombies and dragons to the fore, it’s spooky, creepy and kooky. There’s a talking, alcoholic cat, a frighteningly tall Khajit and a homeless gentleman known for wearing a pot on his head….
Read moreThe Elder Scrolls Online, first launched in 2014, has leapt from strength to strength in recent years having since launched multiple new content packs, including the gargantuan Morrowind and Summerset expansions in 2017 and 2018 respectively. At PAX Australia, we had the chance to sit down with Elder Scrolls Online’s Game Director, Matt Firor, to…
Read moreThe world of The Elder Scrolls Online continues to expand with its latest DLC chapter, Wolfhunter, which contains two brand new werewolf-themed dungeons: March of the Sacrifices and Moon Hunter Keep.
Read moreGame Bants is something new we’re trying here on The Iris, a pair of perspectives on the same topic, a conversation and a less formal review style. Our first crack at this style is a chat between games writer Leah Williams and games editor David Smith about the ancticipated MMO expansion, The Elder Scrolls Online:…
Read moreWhen I completed my first major quest line in the original Elder Scrolls Online, I promised myself one thing – I would never come back. For hours, I’d toiled, and I as I was sucked further into the world of the game, I realised that if I went too far, I would never emerge. Proving…
Read moreErstwhile adventurers in Bethesda’s massively multiplayer online role playing game The Elder Scrolls Online will soon find themselves headed to the island of Vvardenfell, north of one of the series’ most iconic locales, Morrowind.
Read moreThe Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited, the MMORPG, kicks off the new year with details on the next upcoming DLC pack called the “Thieves Guild”. Bethesda announced that the DLC will allow players to join the iconic Thieves Guild – an organization of pickpockets, burglars and robbers, and thieves. The Thieves Guild DLC story line…
Read moreIt’s been a year since Bethesda released the PC version of their massively multiplayer online role-player The Elder Scrolls Online. After promising a console version was forthcoming, and then suffering a number of delays, The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited has finally arrived on current-gen consoles. It’s often pretty hard to gauge the success of…
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