The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood

Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood

Gallery: The art of The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood

If you can look at this Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood concept art and not hear the Skyrim theme, you might be fibbing. Bethesda’s popular MMORPG is enjoying something of a golden age. The return of daedric lord Mehrunes Dagon has drawn many old and relapsed fans back into the fold. The latest in a string…

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Elder SCrolls Online Xbox Controller

This demonic Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood Xbox controller better not awaken anything in us

Xbox and Bethesda have partnered with Aussie controller kit bashers We Are Robots on a demonic new Xbox Series X|S controller to celebrate The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood. The entire Xbox controller resembles Mehrunes Dagon. In the Elder Scrolls lore, Dagon is the Daedric prince of destruction. Oblivion’s own CEO of being a naughty boy,…

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Oblivion hot sauce competition

WIN: We’ve got 5 bottles of Elder Scrolls Online hot sauce to give away!

Do you like Elder Scrolls Online, Oblivion, hot sauce and healthy competition? Do ever wish that your three extremely disparate niche interests would overlap? Good news: they have, and you can check out the full story right here. Thanks to Bethesda ANZ, The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood and Melbourne Hot Sauce, we’ve got five bottles…

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Elder Scrolls Online Hot Sauce

This Elder Scrolls Online hot sauce has us extremely hungry

To promote the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood, Bethesda ANZ has partnered with Melbourne Hot Sauce to create an ultra-spicy hot sauce. The sauce, called the “Hot Sauce of Oblivion,” weighs in at around 600,000 scovilles, the unit used to measure the heat contained in spicy food. As off-the-shelf hot sauces go, that’s pretty…

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The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood

The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood Preview: Companions and conflict

The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood is trying to solve to an impossible problem the game has grappled with for most of its life. Unable to fully emulate the trappings of its beloved parent series, and willing to fully embrace being its own thing, TESO has instead tried to do both. For the longest time, it has…

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