The Force Awakens

Blu-Ray Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (M15+) (USA, 2015)

As we celebrate #MayThe4thBeWithYou, we sat down with the two disc Blu-Ray release of the latest Star Wars film, The Force Awakens. First, we look back at Ryan Champion’s review of the film, before we get neck deep in the disc of special features that fans can enjoy! So, is the release worth the purchase?…

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Interview: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Art Director Doug Chiang talks reviving the epic sci-fi saga

One of the biggest hurdles in the way of The Force Awakens’ enormous box office success was crafting a film that could really nail the look of the original trilogy, yet also build on Lucas’ original designs, in a way that set the tone for a new generation of Star Wars stories. Fergus caught up with Lucasfilm’s Art Director on…

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Star Wars Episode VIII rumored to film in Alice Springs

At least some part of Rian Johnson’s follow-up to Star Wars: The Force Awakens is set to be filmed on the outskirts of Australia’s own Alice Springs, according to rumors circulating today. The specific location itself is unknown but said to have been chosen specifically by director Rian Johnson. Word is that the scenes filmed in the area…

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The Force Awakens wins big at MTV Movie Awards

The 2016 MTV Movie Awards took place over the weekend with Star Wars: The Force Awakens taking home three of the eleven awards it scored nominations for. The other big winners included Will Smith, who scored the MTV Generation Award and Melissa McCarthy who walked off with the Comedic Genius Award. Check out the full list of award winner and nominees…

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SXSW First Impression Review: Secrets of The Force Awakens: A Cinematic Journey (USA, 2016)

With a surprise appearance from J.J. Abrams helping get the crowd in the mood, the premiere of Secrets of The Force Awakens: A Cinematic Journey – an insightful, feature length documentary about the 7th Star Wars film, The Force Awakens – attracted a massive crowd at SXSW earlier this month, keen to learn the secrets behind…

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SXSW: J.J. Abrams Introduces Secrets of the Force Awakens documentary

The feature-length documentary Secrets of the Force Awakens premiered at SXSW this week. Abrams introduced the film, set to be bundled in with the Blu-ray release of The Force Awakens, to SXSW attendees. “What’s so cool about this is that it shows and highlights the people who put their heart and soul into making The…

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Seven things we noticed after seeing The Force Awakens again at an outdoor cinema

Netting over $2 billion in the box-office, Star Wars: The Force Awakens was one of, if not the, biggest movie of last year. For such a big release, it only seemed right to go see it on one of the biggest screens in Sydney – the Moonlight Cinema. Revisiting Episode 7 – this time in a larger,…

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Hoyts offering collectible poster to fans who see The Force Awakens one last time in cinemas

Hoyts are approaching their final run of screenings for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and are commemorating the film’s departure from cinemas by offering fans a special collectible poster. Commercially and critically successful throughout the world, Star Wars: The Force Awakens truly lived up to the Star Wars legacy and is the start of a new cultural phenomenon….

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Disney announces Star Wars: Episode VIII 7-month delay; pushes Pirates earlier

It’s a sad time for fans of the Star Wars franchise as Disney have announced that there will be a 7-month delay until Episode VIII‘s release date. It’s been reported that the next film instalment won’t hit US cinemas until 15 December 2017.  Although this will be seen as bad news for most, with its original US release being May…

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The 5 Best Things At The Star Wars: The Force Awakens Fan Event

Thursday the 10th of December 2015 would mark a significant day in the lives of many Australian Star Wars fans. Not only would it be exactly one week prior to the release of the newest film in the Star Wars saga, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But Sydney would play host to the only exclusive…

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