The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Nintendo Direct

Hour-long Nintendo Direct to drop tomorrow morning, this is not a drill

Nintendo has announced a Nintendo Direct broadcast for tomorrow, February 18, at 9am AEDT. The broadcast will feature “roughly 50 minutes of information focused on available games like Super Smash Bros Ultimate and games coming to Nintendo Switch in the first half of 2021.” The broadcast will be the first “full size” Nintendo Direct since…

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Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Review: AKA The Bokoblin Grind

Age of Calamity is the latest in the Hyrule Warriors series, revolving around The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I don’t know about you, but I’ve spent the whole of 2020 waiting for more sequel news. And I’m gutted that I haven’t heard anything yet. While Age of Calamity may act as somewhat…

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Watch this Zelda player nuke Breath of the Wild‘s toughest foe

If you sink enough time into a video game, you’ll eventually come to feel like you’re quite good at it. Practice makes perfect, right? But every now and then, you’ll come across a player who has had such a complete mind-meld with a game’s controls that they are able to accomplish things you didn’t even…

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E3 2019: A sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is now in development

Nintendo have confirmed that a sequel to 2017’s platform-defining, formula altering The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is in development. The announcement came at the end of one of the biggest E3 Nintendo Directs ever broadcast. The trailer promises a similar aesthetic and a direct continuation of the Breath of the Wild story….

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The Iris’ 2017 Game of the Year Top 10

The year’s end is upon us once more and that means yearly wrap pieces. It’s been a pretty amazing year in the games industry. Microsoft launched the most powerful console ever made, and Nintendo released an altogether new one. We saw AAA disasters, runaway indie successes and an combative relationship with microtransactions as publishers figure…

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Interview: Producer Jason Michael Paul on bringing The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of The Godesses show to Australia, RePlay and working with Nintendo

When you get the chance to sit down with a concert producer who has continually worked to bring the video game industry we all love into the theatre, you don’t lose your words, you make some up! Last week, I got to speak with Jason Michael Paul before his globe-trotting adventures bring his The Legend of Zelda:…

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PSA: Starting a new game in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will overwrite your old saves

Have you already run out of things to do in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and are thinking about starting a new game? Maybe your partner or sibling wants to start a game of their own? Previous Zelda titles have made allowances for situations just like these, providing up to three save slots so…

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Video Games Review: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch, 2017) makes the act of discovery itself your greatest reward

I spent a good half an hour trying to come up with a headline for this review before settling on the one you just clicked on. I spent a lot longer trying to review the game itself — you may notice that we’re coming in rather later with this review than some of our contemporaries. The…

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These are all the games available on the Nintendo Switch eShop right now

For those who picked up  Nintendo Switch yesterday, there was one must-have software purchase — The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. But what about those looking to try something other than Zelda? We know there’s one or two of you, and we want you to know that we hear you. With that in mind, here’s…

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Nintendo Switch: What we’d like to see

Like its predecessors, the Nintendo Switch is a console with an awful lot of potential. Its portable screen and multi-format controllers mean that the door to any number of innovative new game and app design ideas has been flung wide open. Here now, in no particular order, are a ways the Nintendo Switch could innovate…

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Nintendo Switch: What we’ve actually played so far

During yesterday’s Nintendo Switch hands-on event in Melbourne, we got a chance to spend time with a whole host of different games for the upcoming system. We know you’re curious about how the new system works so let’s break down what we played and how they felt.

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Nintendo Switch Broadcast: Launch titles and beyond

Nintendo have revealed a few of the titles on the launch lineup for their upcoming Nintendo Switch console during this afternoon’s console-centric livestream, including The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a Nintendo Switch launch title, drops truly epic new trailer

Nintendo saved their biggest and best trailer for the end of their much-hyped Switch event this afternoon. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was not only the biggest moment of the entire presentation but it closed out the sometimes fun, sometimes odd presentation on a stirring note. See the new trailer for yourself after…

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Here’s you’re next look at The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Nintendo have shown off more footage of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild during The Game Awards 2016. The trailers show off more of the game’s open world nature and a few of Link’s new moves. Hit the jump to see it for yourself.

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The Iris’ EB Games Expo 2016 Awards

PlayStation’s VR is almost ready to be unleashed on a public that largely has very little idea of what awaits them. That idea became a little clearer after EB Expo though, one of the general public’s first real chances to go hands-on with this beautiful piece of immersive tech, with a handful of demos designed…

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10 Things You Need To Check Out At EB Expo This Weekend

The EB Expo kicks off tomorrow and if you’re still wondering what you’re going to do with yourself at such a huge show, relax, we’ve got you covered. Here’s our top 10 things to see at the convention!

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