The Lockhearts

Tim Meaco of The Lockhearts on commitments, discovering new bands in your own backyard & more

With the Old Mate’s Block Party hitting The Factory tomorrow, we linked up with the guys who spurred the idea of grouping together a bunch of Sydney bands (and some from interstate, too) into a reality. For those who were of the opinion that there wasn’t anything interesting happening in their local music scene (or that…

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How events like Sydney’s Old Mate’s Block Party prove the live scene is far from dead

The state of live music has been one of contention recently, especially within Australian culture, where various scenes have been going through stages of flux. Some good, some bad. Sydney in particular has been going through it, and going through it quite obviously. In the eyes of the rest of the country, the city has…

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The Lockhearts, The Stiffys, Borneo & more to play Old Mate’s Block Party in Sydney

The timing is kinda blissful for this one – with the resignation Casino Mike Baird being made public today, we’re even more stoked to share the details of the second Old Mate’s Block Party, headed for the Factory in Marrickville on January 28th! Inspired by a drive to bring more music fans out and experience…

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Ahead of Old Mate’s Block Party…Getting to Know The Lockhearts!

Ahead of the inaugural Old Mate’s Block Party in Sydney this weekend, we get to know a little more about the band who’ve spearheaded the whole shebang, The Lockhearts. In coming together with other local Sydney bands and artists, the event has been formed around the common-shared idea that art in whatever its form and…

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Papa Pilko and the Binrats, The Dead Love & more join The Lockhearts at Old Mate’s Block Party in Sydney!

**Editorial Note: Since publishing, Papa Bilko and the Binrats have had to pull out of the event, being replaced by JOSEPH LIDDY AND THE SKELETON HORSE. Sydney musicians are hosting a celebration of the talent continuing to thrive within the city in the face of recent venue shutdowns, licensing restrictions and the general calls of the music…

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Kingswood headline third birthday celebrations for Frankie’s Pizza in Sydney

For the past few years Frankie’s Pizza has remained one of the most valuable players on the Sydney bar scene, presenting as much of a platform for local live music as a late-night haunt full of pizzas by the slice and one of the city’s best beer lists. For their third birthday they have called…

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