The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

Video Games Review: The Walking Dead: A New Frontier – From the Gallows (PS4, 2017) pulls no punches

The time has arrived. Telltale’s ambitious third season of their critically acclaimed Walking Dead series has come to a close with From the Gallows. Question is, did it capitalise on its rising tension, fleshed out characters and bold new narrative? Episode 5 opens with quite a revelation from before the demise of the current state…

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Video Game Review: The Walking Dead: A New Frontier – Thicker than Water (PS4, 2017) is Telltale at their very best

Perhaps I was a little harsh in my review of Above the Law. If Telltale’s Walking Dead games were judged on their level of interaction, then they would probably garner average scores across the board. I still maintain that the last episode served as a major turning point and definitely felt like the culmination of…

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Video Game Review: The Walking Dead: A New Frontier – Above the Law (PS4, 2017)

Above the Law goes to great lengths to answer a litany of questions we’ve all been harbouring since episode 1. In that sense, it displays perfect pacing and timing, drawing out mysteries and cashing in on them at the right time. However, the third episode puts into perspective just how out of control you can…

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Video Game Review: The Walking Dead: A New Frontier – Ties That Bind: Part II (PS4, 2017) puts character ahead of action and wins big

Following last episodes tragic conclusion, Ties That Bind: Part II opened fairly solemnly in comparison. But that was about the quietest the second instalment got as it rounded out its two hour play time with twists and healthy does of action.

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Video Game Review: The Walking Dead: A New Frontier – Ties That Bind: Part I (PS4, 2017)

Lets face it. While Telltale’s three-part Michonne series was an enjoyable enough romp, it could be argued that it’s existence served as a means to placate gamers until the main event rolled along. Because for all of Telltale’s impressive takes on pop culture’s most iconic franchises (Game of Thrones, Minecraft, Batman) their Walking Dead games…

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Telltale’s The Walking Dead: A New Frontier premiere is a two-parter

A first among their increasingly storied library of titles, Telltale Games will kick off the new season of their popular adventure games based on The Walking Dead by dropping two episodes on Day One. Hit the jump to check out the latest trailer.

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