The Walking Dead

TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 9 “No Way Out” (USA, 2016)

“No one gets to clock out today, and hell, this is a story people are going to tell”. What a way to kick off the latter half of season 6. The Walking Dead has always been strongest when the crew are scattering smaller character moments within a big action set piece, and “No Way Out”…

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Australia’s Miranda Otto and Corey Hawkins (Straight Outta Compton) will star in 24 reboot

Earlier this month, it was revealed that Kiefer Sutherland’s Jack Bauer would not be the main character of 24′s reboot. However, it has been announced that Straight Outta Compton’s  Corey Hawkins, will be undertaking the main role for the 12-episode series. Hawkins will be playing Eric Carter, a war veteran returning to the US with challenges that will…

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AMC release trailer for the mid-season premiere of The Walking Dead Season 6

We now have our first look at episode 9 of The Walking Dead, which will air when the show releases the second half of season 6 from February 2016. Warning: spoilers for the first half of Season six follow. With Alexandria now absolutely overwhelmed and overrun by walkers, Rick and his group are as close…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 8 “Start to Finish” (USA, 2015)

The Walking Dead just wrapped up it’s mid-season finale for Season 6 and, of course, there are some tense developments to mull over until the show returns next February, mostly in the form of two big cliffhangers. During last week’s hum-drum set-up episode we were left with the very ominous image of the watchtower falling…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 7 “Heads Up” (USA, 2015)

“Heads Up” was not a very good episode of The Walking Dead if we were to consider it in a vacuum, but it certainly made some major moves to set us up for what will no doubt be a big, bloody mid-season finale next week. We also found some closure to what has been the…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 6 “Always Accountable” (USA, 2015)

As the big mystery surrounding Glenn continues to linger in the minds of viewers, impatience is inevitable when confronted with a slower character-focused episode which takes us far away from the answers we all crave and focuses in on other parts of the now scattered plan from the season premiere. Last week’s “Now” was a…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 5 “Now” (USA, 2015)

The last time we were in Alexandria was during The Wolves’ big invasion, leading to chopped up bodies, brutal action, and a whole lot of death. “Now” marks the first time we have properly caught up with Alexandria (Michonne stumbling into a broken down Alexandria, and Morgan entertaining his Wolf hostage with his backstory do…

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This Week’s DVD Release Picks: Best of the Box (5th November 2015)

This week offers an abundance of top-quality television series on DVD – perfect for that university exam-time procrastination. THE MINDY PROJECT, SEASON 2 The Mindy Project really finds its footing in the second season. Mindy (Mindy Kaling) returns to New York after a stint in Haiti, to find that her place at Shulman and Associates…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 4 “Here’s Not Here” (USA, 2015)

The fallout from “Thank You” will have to wait for a few weeks while The Walking Dead follow their tried-and-tested formula of breaking apart the present storyline and exploring other paths. Here, the path winds all the way back to the Morgan we saw in Season 3’s stand-out episode “Clear” and fleshes the character out…

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The Walking Dead: Why ‘that character’ is NOT dead

Since The Walking Dead aired “Thank You”, it’s third episode of the sixth season, this week the internet has been rampant with talk about that scene, the one in which the show seems to kill off one of the absolute fan favourites in a shocking, and frankly quite disappointing, way. The following contains spoilers for…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 3 “Thank You” (USA, 2015)

Is it a fake-out or did The Walking Dead really just kill off one of the show’s most endearing characters in such a hum-drum and incredibly upsetting way? That’s the main question left in the wake of “Thank You”, another intense and wildly gory episode of AMC’s ratings juggernaut. The big moments in The Walking…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 2 “JSS” (USA, 2015)

Once again, the writers of The Walking Dead strike a very fine balance between small, interesting character moments and big, thrilling action as “JSS” proves to be one of the most violent and tense episodes to date. On the surface you had one big – and very brutal – siege on Alexandria by The Wolves,…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 1 “First Time Again” (USA, 2015)

A horde of 30,000 walkers all built up in a large quarry!? So this is the reason Alexandria has managed to get by without being overrun; a nice, clever explanation to illuminate the mysterious history of the gated community, weaved in skillfully without taking away from the balanced amounts of drama and action that “First…

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This Week’s DVD Release Picks: Sequels and Spinoffs

Sequels, prequels, adaptations, and spin-offs rule in this week’s Australian DVD and Blu-Ray releases. Here are our three picks for the week…

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AMC’s The Walking Dead plan special ‘Zombies on a Plane’ stand-alone story

Already details are starting to emerge for the second season of Fear the Walking Dead, and AMC have just dropped a huge announcement to Entertainment Weekly about their lead-up plans. The network and the world of The Walking Dead will produce a 30-minute special episode (likely split into chapters) which tracks a walker outbreak on…

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The Iris’ Weekly Film and TV News Round Up! (17th July 2015)

In our new weekly feature, we take a look back at some of the biggest stories in the world of film and TV this week… just in case you missed it. Suffice it to say, it’s been a great week of film and TV news, thanks in part to the annual San Diego Comic Con event,…

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Full trailer released for The Walking Dead Season 6

AMC has released the full trailer for season 6 of The Walking Dead at the recent Comic-Con, showing us over 4 minutes of footage from what will undoubtedly be a season fraught with tension as Rick’s aggression and restlessness continues to divide the community of Alexandria, and his own group. Throughout the trailer we catch…

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Telltale says The Walking Dead Season 3 won’t arrive this year, promises “something big”

Telltale says that fans of the episodic zombie adventure series won’t be finding out what happens to Clementine next this year. Director of PR Job Stauffer made the announcement on his twitter, later followed by the claim that the studio has “something big” up their sleeve for the series this year. Stauffer made several tweets…

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The Iris Interview: Chad L. Coleman & Sonequa Martin-Green on the latest season of The Walking Dead!

Spoiler Warning: The following article refers to the latest season of The Walking Dead. It’s Oz Comic Con time again in Adelaide, with a number of actors, authors, voice actors and more nestling into the City of Churches for a weekend of meeting with fans and engaging in a round of panels and other antics down…

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Walking Dead stars take over Oz Comic Con’s Twitter

Before Oz Comic Con in Adelaide this weekend, Walking Dead stars Chad Coleman and Sonequa Martin-Green are taking the reigns on the convention’s official Twitter page. From 6:30 – 7:30 (AEST) on Friday the 17th of April, the on-screen siblings will be taking questions on all things Walking Dead including that intense season 5 finale….

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 16 “Conquer” (USA, 2015)

“Conquer” gave us a heap of great acting and character moments, sprinkled it with a bit of action – courtesy of Daryl and Aaron – and a triumphant return; but it did little more than make the wait for Season 6’s premiere all the more painful. There was a lot here that we wanted to…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 15 “Try” (USA, 2015)

As many fans expected, the reason for these episode titles lately is beginning to make a bit more sense. All these one-word titles seem to be in reference to a speech the ill-fated and loveable Dale gave in season 2; a moment in time when a confrontation between the relatively soft Rick and the relatively…

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The Walking Dead’s Chad L Coleman and Sonequa Martin-Green announced for Oz Comic-Con

This April, both Perth and Adelaide will be getting up close and personal with on-screen siblings Tyreese and Sasha from ACM’s monster hit The Walking Dead as both Chad L Coleman and Sonequa Martin-Green head down for Oz Comic-Con. Both actors have starred in some of TV’s greatest shows, including The Wire (where Coleman portrayed…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 14 “Spend” (USA, 2015)

Well that was..intense. After a few relatively calm episodes of slow bubbling tension and co-existence it’s beginning to look like Rick’s group and those inept, naive fools of Alexandria are speeding towards a collision, fueled by shockingly horrific deaths on both sides and a really frustrating betrayal from cowardly Father Gabriel. As I wrote in…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 13 “Forget” (USA, 2015)

One thing The Walking Dead has never been particularly good at is juggling such a big ensemble cast, which is why the tail end of Season 4 remains some of the show’s finest hours since the first season. This is why we catch up with one character and really flesh them out, and then watch…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 12 “Remember” (USA, 2015)

“Remember” was an episode which could have easily fell flat, taking us away from the hardened, terrifying road and finally exploring the Alexandria Safe Zone – a big, significant location in the source material. There was no falling here though, as the writers and episode director Channing Powell – who handled Season 4’s brilliant “Internment”…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 11 “The Distance” (USA, 2014)

Rick and his group have come a very long way since they abandoned their temporary digs at the prison; everything since then has been dark – very dark. Loss, mistrust, and tension have plagued the group every step of the way and we have watched as these characters that have been developed so well, that…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 10 “Them” (USA, 2015)

How longer can the group sustain themselves while on the road? And is there a point? With two big losses recently and a metaphorical storm surrounding them, that was the big question of “Them”. After the art-driven direction of last week’s excellent (and depressing) episode we were given something which very much resembles 2009 film…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 9 “What Happened and What’s Going On” (USA, 2015)

AMC’s The Walking Dead returned from their traditional mid-season break with a strong episode, refreshing a season that was dangerously edging towards dull territory with an unappealing cop arc. With the slate relatively clean, The show’s writers are now free to re-build their characters and have them open up to each other more, revealing their…

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Australia gets an exclusive sneak peek at new footage from The Walking Dead via Twitter

The Walking Dead comes back into our lives next week as the second half of Season 5 kicks off, coming off a big character death and leaving things open as to where our group is heading. It’s an exciting clean slate for the show, with them now aware that the Washington D.C mission was all…

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