The Walking Dead

TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 8 “Coda” (USA, 2014)

You don’t bring a knife to a gun fight, not in The Walking Dead and not anywhere (unless it’s a katana and you are Michonne). This seems like an obvious survival rule to someone who has been built up as an increasingly capable survivor, but good decisions don’t always make for good TV do they?…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 7 “Crossed” (USA, 2014)

“Crossed” had a lot of table setting to do for the mid-season finale, cutting back and forth between four segments of the group in order to bring them all back into the scope and establish where they are and where they will be when the final episode for 2014 airs next week. After a few…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 6 “Consumed” (2014, USA)

Fans of The Walking Dead have been waiting for Daryl and Carol to have their own episode for awhile, with the chemistry between these two both interesting and unique. Any sexual tension is mostly attributed to fan speculation, but what these two have here is an endearing platonic magnetism that always deserved to be explored…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 5 “Self Help” (USA, 2014)

As great and effective the character focuses post-Governor were, The Walking Dead was still yet to turn Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita into characters as compelling as their comic book counterparts; though, it hasn’t been that long since they first came onto our screens. After all the fast paced chaos of Terminus, it seemed necessary to…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 4 “Slabtown” (USA, 2014)

It’s looking like The Walking Dead crew have found a nice little formula where occasionally they’ll venture away from Rick and catch up with with the plights of peripheral characters every now and then. We got two episodes focusing on The Governor last season, and while they had their faults, the show established that it…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 3 “Four Walls and a Roof” (USA, 2014)

Maggie stating to Father Gabriel that the church isn’t a house of lord but “just four walls and a roof” while numerous, chopped up bodies lay at her feet is a nice comment on the post-apocalypse. Because that’s all anything such as a house or a church is now in this world. Iconoclasm or not,…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 2 “Strangers” (USA, 2014)

With the fallout from the action-packed “No Sanctuary” it was to be expected that the pace would slow down just a little bit in order for our group – who really just reunited a day ago, seeing as Season 5 picked up right where Season 4 left off – to make sure they were all…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 1 “No Sanctuary” (USA, 2014)

In the world of The Walking Dead you are “either the butcher, or the cattle” according to the once-benevolent folk of Terminus, and so we continue exploring the rewritten rules of humanity in this horribly bleak, post-apocalyptic landscape. In “No Sanctuary”, the epic premiere of the fifth season, there was a perfect balance of this…

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The Walking Dead: The Top 10 Episodes (So Far)

AMC’s The Walking Dead has really grown into something much more than what many initially thought it would be. Based on Robert Kirkman’s graphic novels, the series has gone from a six-episode Season 1 to the most in-demand, involving show on TV. It’s done this with a consistent, potent mix of high-end drama, genuinely terrifying…

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The Zombie Evolution: How Zombies have evolved on screen into the AMC TV series The Walking Dead

It’s hard to believe that AMC’s The Walking Dead began with a modest six-episode season and nowhere near the amount of anticipation that bubbles beneath it today. The survival-horror series has become one of the biggest and fastest success stories in recent television memory, benefiting from the perfect blend of mindless entertainment and rich, deep…

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AMC confirms companion series for The Walking Dead

The zombie-infested world, propped from Robert Kirkman’s popular comic books, will soon become all the more richer, with AMC announcing on Friday that they have ordered the pilot for a companion series to their immensely popular The Walking Dead. Since the day this apocalyptic series premiered fans have often wondered what is going on outside…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead – Season 4 Finale: Episode 16 “A” (USA, 2014)

All that character development wasn’t building up to any big, heartbreaking deaths as many expected. Instead, the Walking Dead crew decided that Season 4’s finale was best used to further the nuanced character arcs and set up a terrifying Season 5. ‘A’ led us through two big sequences, and took it’s time getting through each….

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TV Review: The Walking Dead – Season 4 Episode 15 “Us” (USA, 2014)

‘Us’ had one job and it was to put at least some of the splintered survivors onto the same trajectory. As such, we were given a mildly touching reunion with Glenn and Maggie, preceded by a showing of just how desperate Glenn can get; desperate enough to wander into a dark cave with an unknown…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead – Season 4 Episode 14 “The Grove” (USA, 2014)

It had to be done, right? ‘The Grove’ didn’t move the plot along at all, opting again for a stand-alone type episode in similar fashion to Beth and Daryl’s alcohol-driven journey in ‘Still.’ The third to last episode of season four took it’s time to slowly crush us with one of the most intense episodes…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead – Season 4 Episode 13 “Alone” (USA, 2014)

So Maggie wants to go one way; Sasha wants to go the other way; and Bob is just happy that he isn’t left alone – as he has been two times prior to joining the group. ‘Alone’ presents us with a group that has less ties to each other than the other groups; splintered together…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead – Season 4 Episode 12 “Still” (USA, 2014)

With five episodes left, ‘Still’ took a bit of a time-out to redefine two characters we never expected would interact on anything more than a superficial level. When the prison walls came tumbling down and everyone split up, Daryl and Beth was the least likely duo. Fans worried that the writers were messing up; pairing…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead – Season 4 Episode 11 “Claimed” (USA, 2014)

‘Claimed’ wasn’t all about our three new characters as most would have expected; instead, Rick’s plight was the highlight of this episode The Walking Dead. In continuing the bleak prospects that come with separation – and both the human and zombie threat that doesn’t allow for any sort of rest – we were split between…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead – Season 4 Episode 10 “Inmates” (USA, 2014)

With the writers seemingly placing character development first, ‘Inmates’ continues the artful slow-burn that worked so well in ‘Alive,’ but this time they have four disparate storylines to play around with. Despite multiple arcs not working so well in previous seasons, ‘Inmates’ handles the situation quite nicely, patching each tale together with not-so-subtle easter eggs,…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead – Season 4 Episode 9 “Alive” (USA, 2014)

Last season The Walking Dead kicked off their second half of season 3 by introducing Tyreese, a character which hasn’t yet made the impact he does in the comics, and hasn’t yet been developed properly. Despite this, it was still a big moment in the series and kicked the mid-season off with a finale-quality feel….

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Mid-Season Recap: The Walking Dead – Season 4 (USA, 2013)

***MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD*** With AMC doing their whole standard mid-season split, fans of The Walking Dead are left with a few months to ponder the long overdue prison break our nearest and dearest survivors have now been forced to make. For a second there, it looked like we might have a repeat of the slow-burning…

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The Iris’ 13 Best TV Shows of 2013

We asked the contributors of The Iris to tell us their favourite shows of 2013, and here now are the top thirteen they voted! Only three new series make the list, with the other ten proving that the best only get better as the seasons continue… 13. Person of Interest – CBS, USA This continues…

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TV Review: The Walking Dead; Season 4, Episode 1: 30 Days Without an Accident (USA, 2013)

(MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!) Some 196 days since the The Walking Dead last graced our screens, be it our TV or Laptop screens, it has finally returned with season four; 30 days without an accident. The first episode delivers with AMC’s usual gritty exterior and gruff style but what was missing was the gripping and suspenseful…

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