The Zookeeper’s Wife

Film Review: The Zookeeper’s Wife (USA, 2017) is a beautifully told true story

The Zookeeper’s Wife follows the real events of the owners’ of the Warsaw Zoo in Poland from 1939 until 1946. It centres on their moral struggle of not being a mere bystander of the ghettos and executions during the Holocaust. It’s a film that has the rare potential to educate  its audience with a fascinating story, without…

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Seven soon-to-be-released films looking to take Oscar gold

The Oscars survived a prickly year last year. Media outlets hounded the lack of racial diversity amongst nominated actors, of which all twenty were of Caucasian heritage. Industry hallmark Spike Lee joined a spate of actors in a #boycotttheoscars / #oscarsowhite movement and actor Chris Rock thought it appropriate to poke fun at a child…

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