total tommy

total tommy

New Music Discoveries 5th April: total tommy, Little Quirks, IDA KUDO and more

This week we have ten new tracks to our Discovery Playlist on Spotify and Apple Music. This week’s Track of the Week is “Losing Out”, the new single from rising Eora/Sydney-based artist, singer and songwriter total tommy. total tommy dropped her debut single, “microdose” earlier in the year, and has followed it up with a…

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New Music Discoveries 9th February: Olympia, girl in red, Telenova and more

We’ve added ten more tracks to our Discovery playlist on Spotify and Apple Music, including two singles we premiered exclusively earlier in the week. Our Track of the Week is “Try Be Good” the brand new single from Olympia. Olympia has had a busy time of it lately. She’s built a brand new record label…

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