
This Week’s DVD Release Picks: Ladies at the Top of Their Game (13th November 2015)

This week’s DVD releases all feature women who are hitting their creative strides. Inside Out Inside Out, Pixar’s latest emotion-packed fare, stars comedy powerhouse Amy Poehler. Riley is a ten-year-old girl whose life is ruled by Joy (Poehler), Sadness (Phyllis Smith), Anger (Lewis Black), Fear (Bill Hader), and Disgust (Mindy Kaling). Packed full of heart,…

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Box Office Report: Fantastic Four is no match for Amy & co.

After a couple of weeks of chopping and changing, Traninwreck has settled in at top spot. Earning $3.1 million this past week Amy Schumer and Paul Fieg have overcome superheroes and Tom Cruises as it rolls toward comedy of the year status. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation has dropped to second spot after a short spell at…

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Amy Schumer and Bill Hader coming to Australia to premiere their new Judd Apatow comedy Trainwreck

One of the hottest names in comedy right now, Amy Schumer (Inside Amy Schumer), is set to come to Australia introduce her first feature film, Trainwreck, alongside co-star and fellow comedian Bill Hader (Saturday Night Live). The film, which has so far been received positively at screenings – including at SXSW in Austin, Texas – is Produced…

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