videogame review

Videau Games Mobile Review: Minigore 2: Zombies (Mountain Sheep, 2014)

Welcome to Zombie country! Mountain Sheep (producers of Ice Rage, KingHunt and Bike Baron) have moved on from the ‘Furries’ of their original iOS release and thankfully broadened their horizons, adding to an already popular Minigore game with a Zombie laden multi-platform sequel. Simple gaming aesthetics, a new view option and some interesting special guests add to the gory…

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Videau Games PS3 Retro Review – Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition (Netherrealm Studios, 2012)

Even though R18+ classification legislation was passed in Australia nearly two years ago, there have been lengthy delays around official game releases to the public. So unless local stores had exercised their right to parallel import games early (completely legal), gamers were left to frustratingly bide their time. For Mortal Kombat fans however, this may have been…

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Videau Games Retro Review: Super Meat Boy (Team Meat, 2012)

All hail Super Meat Boy! This chunky little character consisting of a sloppy cube of meat, is as hilarious and fun to navigate as his gaming forefathers, made popular for their simplicity, difficulty and clever use of odd concepts. This funky gem created by developers Team Meat, may have succeeded in bringing the excitement and gameplay of…

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