Wake in Fright

Film Review: Birdeater blends its topical commentary on separation anxiety and fragile masculinity with an almost hallucinatory mentality

Given that Jim Weir and Jack Clark‘s frighteningly uncomfortable Birdeater is an Australian chiller set in the outback (at least for the majority of its running time), audiences are justified in thinking it could fall in line with other brutality-in-the-bush titles like Picnic at Hanging Rock or even Wolf Creek.  The more accurate comparison though…

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Theatre Review: ‘Wake in Fright’ is an acid trip into our country’s shame

Billed as a one-woman retelling of the famed 1961 novel (and 1971 film), Malthouse theatre’s production of Wake in Fright is an ambitious undertaking – if not initially perplexing. Producing one of Australia’s most classic outback thrillers as a one-cast show is odd enough, but not least of all when you are greeted by a…

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