Walker Stalker

Line up changes for Walker Stalker: Norman Reedus cancels, Greg Nicotero added and more

Walker Stalker, the enormous convention for fans of The Walking Dead, and its Australian debut is just around the corner now, but there’s been a few sharp changes to the line-up both good and bad. Let’s get the bad news out of the way first: Norman Reedus, who plays Daryl, is no longer able to…

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Batter up Walking Dead fans: Jeffrey Dean Morgan added to Sydney’s Walker Stalker Con

With Australia’s very first Walker Stalker Con, a pop convention dedicated entirely to The Walking Dead, a matter of months away, the line-up of special guests heading down under has seen a slight change. Lauren Cohen, who plays Maggie on the monstrously popular show, is sadly no longer able to make either the Sydney or…

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