Watch Dogs Legion feels like the game the series has been striving to become since its inception. It’s a game with some of the biggest, boldest ideas to come out of Ubisoft in years. It is also a game that has clearly had to make some concessions in order to execute on these ideas. Merry…
Read moreXbox has announced a list of 30 games, optimised for Xbox Series X and Series S hardware, that will be playable on launch day. The Xbox Series X and Series S launch windows are a bit bereft of exclusives. This is no secret and, while certainly a bummer, there’s still plenty to play the day…
Read moreFrom the first, the biggest question I’ve had about Watch Dogs Legion was if it could capitalise on its ambitious concept. It presents a dystopian vision of London held hostage under a fascist paramilitary rule. DedSec, the prolific hacker collective is working to destabilise the regime but they’re having a rough go of it. Numbers…
Read moreIn case you weren’t up at 5am for this morning’s first-ever Ubisoft Forward broadcast, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Below you’ll find every major trailer from today’s show in order of appearance. We’ve got AAA blockbusters, new mobile addictions, next-gen peeks and more. #CheckALook below. Watch Dogs Legion Brawlhalla Mobile Might & Magic: Era…
Read moreThe first new look at Watch Dogs Legion since it was delayed earlier this year have arrived. Both new trailers debuted during this morning’s Ubisoft Forward broadcast. The first is a short film called Reclaim Your Future that paints a dystopian picture of the game’s vision of London. Between rapid-fire shots of police brutality and…
Read moreIf you’re hype for Ubisoft’s forthcoming games lineup, you’re going to want to get along to The Ubisoft Experience, a travelling fan event coming to Sydney this September. The show is, at its heart, a charity drive for the R U OK organisation who promote suicide awareness and prevention in Australia. Tickets for entry will…
Read moreUbisoft has formally announced Watch Dogs Legion during their E3 2019 press briefing, the third entry in their open-world action franchise about hackers and the surveillance state. Legion takes the series out of United States for the first time, heading across the pond to London. The choice of London is a pertinent one — the…
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