Wii U

Video Games Review: Puyo Puyo Tetris (Switch, 2017)

Hoo boy. This review is gonna be all over the place. It’s going to be this way because this game, even as a concept, is all over the place. You would think that, given that Tetris is already the most grueling activity a person can engage in, interrupting it with a quick round of the colour-matcher Puyo Puyo would be as…

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Video Games Review: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch, 2017) is the most comprehensive title the series has ever produced

I’d be lying if i said that I don’t approach a Mario Kart review with a certain amount of trepidation. You know what you’re getting into with a Mario Kart title — vehicular barbarism and savagery on parade, draped in the charming trappings of a cartoon. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe does not go out of its way to assuage…

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PSA: Starting a new game in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will overwrite your old saves

Have you already run out of things to do in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and are thinking about starting a new game? Maybe your partner or sibling wants to start a game of their own? Previous Zelda titles have made allowances for situations just like these, providing up to three save slots so…

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Nintendo Switch: How much is Nintendo’s newest console actually going to cost you?

Nintendo have finally announced Australian pricing on their upcoming Switch console, and we’ve got the full list to help you adjust your gaming budget for March 3.

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New Nintendo Switch presentation will broadcast on Friday at 3pm AEDT

Nintendo are set to release a huge amount of new information regarding their upcoming console, the Nintendo Switch, via an online broadcast set for this Friday, Sydney time.

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Here’s you’re next look at The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Nintendo have shown off more footage of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild during The Game Awards 2016. The trailers show off more of the game’s open world nature and a few of Link’s new moves. Hit the jump to see it for yourself.

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Video Games Review: Paper Mario: Colour Splash (Wii U, 2016)

Nintendo’s flagship character has always enjoyed a tighter focus when it comes to his many, many spin-offs. You can always be sure that a Mario game (or any related title) will be held to a particularly high standard by the business, Nintendo and its developers being very careful to control the quality for their primary…

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The “Nintendo NX” is revealed: Nintendo Switch to place an emphasis on portable gaming

It often feels like Nintendo is represented by the shy, imaginative kid in the corner, the one tinkering away with ideas, fueled by independent thought while his bigger, beefier peers dominate the playground. That’s certainly a valid comparison when considering all Nintendo have done over the past few years, starting with the game-changing Wii which…

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The Iris’ EB Games Expo 2016 Awards

PlayStation’s VR is almost ready to be unleashed on a public that largely has very little idea of what awaits them. That idea became a little clearer after EB Expo though, one of the general public’s first real chances to go hands-on with this beautiful piece of immersive tech, with a handful of demos designed…

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Nintendo reveals Super Mario Run for iOS devices

Something many news outlets and gamers have suspected for a long has finally occurred. Nintendo is making mobile games. What a crazy time to be alive.

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Video Games Review: Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens (PS4, 2016)

I feel like I owe The Force Awakens a pretty significant debt. It’s not only brought the Star Wars franchise back to life in the post-prequels era but now it’s returning the license to the Lego series to lift them out of their slump following Lego Marvel’s Avengers. This new entry in the Lego series is amongst the its very…

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Here’s what you’ll be able to see and play at this year’s EB Expo

The EB Expo 2016 announcements are still coming, with EB Games today announcing the first wave of titles that will be playable on the show floor, along with other new show features.

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E3 2016: Crash Bandicoot returns, but probably not in the way you were hoping for

90’s gaming mascot Crash Bandicoot will return to Sony PlayStation platforms this year as part of Skylanders Imaginators. He will then be back in 2017 in an HD remaster of the first three games in the Crash series.

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E3 2016: Stardew Valley heads to consoles this year

Stardew Valley is on its way to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Wii U later this year according to an announcement by developer ConcernedApe. The news comes following a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it appearance at today’s Xbox E3 2016 press event.

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E3 2016: Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Season 3 kicks off in Q3, Batman to premiere at E3

Telltale Games are gearing up to release both the third season of their popular series based on The Walking Dead and their new title Batman: A Telltale Games Series this year. The company has now confirmed the release window for both, plus their E3 intentions on Twitter.

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E3 2016: The Yooka-Laylee E3 trailer is a surgical strike on your nostalgia gland

Last year, Playtonic Games, a developer made up of former Rare devs, ran a successful Kickstarter for a spiritual successor to the classic platformer Banjo-Kazooie called Yooka-Laylee. The game’s first trailer has arrived and it’s going to have you itching to dust off your N64.

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E3 2016: Here’s your complete livestream guide (in local time!) **UPDATED**

It’s almost time for the greatest show in video games, the video game Christmas in June, the great yearly pilgrimage of our people. E3 2016 is just around the corner, is what we’re saying. Want to catch all the action live, as it happens? Look no further. Hit the jump to see every single livestream…

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Video Games Review: Star Fox Zero (Wii U, 2016)

It’s been a while since I went back and forth on a game the way I have with Star Fox Zero. For those who would consider themselves veterans of the series, it’s a confusing experience from the moment it begins. It looks like the Star Fox you know and love. It sounds like the Star Fox you know…

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BREAKING: Nintendo confirms new NX console will ship in March 2017, Zelda Wii U delayed

Nintendo of Japan have officially confirmed that their next console, codenamed “NX” is slated to ship in March 2017. The news was quickly followed by the announcement that the forthcoming Legend of Zelda game for Wii U has also been delayed into 2017.

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Video Games Review: Pokkén Tournament (Wii U, 2016)

Pokkén Tournament has got to be one of the strangest fighting games I’ve ever played. It stitches together many of the genre’s more traditional elements with a number of more modern design philosophies. It’s trying to please a lot of people at once, Pokémon  and Tekken fans chief among them. It pulls from Bandai Namco’s ongoing Naruto and Dragonball Z…

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New report suggests Nintendo is halting Wii U production

Nintendo will bring production on its struggling Wii U console to a stop sometime this year. That’s according to new report in Japan’s Nikkei overnight.

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Video Games Review: The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD (Wii U, 2016)

Luring a missing cat back to it’s owner through a series of small actions is still a mildly frustrating way to start a sprawling adventure in The Legend of Zelda universe, dull when compared to the stunning Ocarina of Time or Majora’s Mask, but Twilight Princess is much more than first impressions, as we witnessed…

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Look upon this gorgeous Super Nintendo-inspired 3DS design and weep because it’s Japan-only

Nintendo of Japan had an extra announcement to make during their version of yesterday’s Nintendo Direct broadcast that wasn’t included in the US/European version we saw – a limited edition New Nintendo 3DS console with a Super Nintendo theme.

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Throw out your Friday morning: there’s gonna be a new Nintendo Direct tomorrow

Hot on the heels of last weeks Pokemon Direct broadcast, Nintendo have announced that the next full Nintendo Direct broadcast will commence at 9am AEDT tomorrow (that’s 8am for QLD, and 7am for WA).

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Final Super Smash Bros DLC fighters Corrin and Bayonetta to land this Thursday

Nintendo’s final Super Smash Bros DLC characters Corrin and Bayonetta and the sixth wave of Mii fighter costumes will be landing on 3DS and Wii U systems this Thursday, February 4th in Australia. The release of Corrin and Bayonetta will conclude the roster for Super Smash Bros for 3DS and Wii U. This last DLC…

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Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens is real, arrives June 29

Following a trailer leak yesterday, WB Games have officially revealed the game we all assumed was coming. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will bring Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron to consoles when it releases June 29 .

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Nintendo kicks 2016 off with Zelda, lots of Zelda

March is looking like its going to be a big month for anyone who’s into The Legend of Zelda. Nintendo are promising “a trio of releases” for the series starting on March 5 with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for Wii U.

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Bayonetta is coming to Smash Bros in February, new amiibo inbound

The final Nintendo Direct episode for 2015, focused solely on Super Smash Bros, just wrapped up. The presentation made a number of character and amiibo announcements, including the winner of this year’s Character Ballot. You can watch the full 30-minute video after the jump.

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Lego Marvel’s Avengers isn’t messing around with its open world environments

Lego Marvel’s Avengers needed to find a way to differentiate itself from not only its predecessor, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, but every other Lego game to date. If the game’s latest trailer is any indication, TT Games have found their in.

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Nintendo Direct returns! Cloud Strife comes to Smash Bros, Female Link and Zelda U news!

Nintendo took a break from their regular Nintendo Direct announcement livestreams following the death of company president Satoru Iwata earlier this year. The broadcasts have returned with Nintendo of America President/loveable dork Reggie Fils-Aime at the helm, and man did they have some cool stuff to talk about.

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