Wonderland Festival

7 Arts Events Not to Miss in Australia This Month (December 2016)

There may be relaxation, holidays and many other festivities on the mind of everyone during the month of December, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go out and enjoy the best the art world has to offer, here’s what we think is the best of the bunch this month! Opera Australia’s The Opera Gala &…

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Parody Graeme of Thrones scores the ultimate cast member – an actor from Game of Thrones!

Michael Condron, who played Bowen Marsh in HBO’s Game of Thrones, will join the cast of parody show Graeme of Thrones for its Brisbane Powerhouse run later this year. Graeme of Thrones producer Alex Jarrett says: “Condron might have been one of Jon Snow’s killers in Season 5, and was then killed by Jon Snow…

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