World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

World of Warcraft Shadowlands unleashes the Chains of Domination

The first major content upgrade to World of Warcraft Shadowlands, Chains of Dominion, makes some dramatic changes to the Shadowlands post-game story. The Jailer’s power grows. Anduin is held in the thrall of the Lich King. Baston has fallen. Sylvanas questions her own brutal crusade. Chains of Domination is the same Patch 9.1 that leaked…

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Blue Yeti X

Are we crazy or is the Blue Yeti X WOW Shadowlands mic really beautiful

Look at this tasteful Blue Yeti X mic designed around World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Seriously, look at it. The subdued palette in Battle Grey with gold accents. The artful runes around the mic’s base. The smooth, elegant shape of the mic itself. We don’t get a lot of peripherals in the games sphere that are…

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands‘ Morgan Day on work-from-home design, new players, and roguelikes

Plague is a part of the fabric of World of Warcraft. There are whole cultures in the game’s world that are built around sickness and decay. Since the outbreak of the real world Covid-19 pandemic, Blizzard have complied with Californian work-from-orders, transitioning the entire WOW team to working in isolation. What an odd situation for a…

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BlizzCon 2020 cancelled, will move online next year

Blizzard Entertainment has confirmed that BlizzCon 2020 will not go ahead owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. BlizzCon is an annual fan convention at which Blizzard usually makes its biggest announcements and hosts its largest esports competitions. In a post on its official blog, Blizzard stated that it had “come to the very difficult decision to…

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BlizzCon 2019: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands pits players against the old gods of Azeroth

The next expansion in the long-running World of Warcraft series is World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Sylvanas has taken the crown of the Lich King, crowning herself the Lich Queen and doubling down on her seemingly endless downward spiral into madness and destruction. With the doorway to afterlife torn wide open, the expansion will allow players…

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