X-Men: Days of Future Past

Ranking the X-Men films

With X-Men: Apocalypse behind us, there’s never been a better time for X-Men fans to look ahead. They’ve got TV offerings like Legion and Hellfire in development alongside big screen project’s like New Mutants, X-Force and Hugh Jackman‘s final Wolverine movie. It’s also a great time to look back, and see how Apocalypse ranks against the series’…

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Win a X-Men: Days Of Future Past prize pack!

The only way to save the future is to go into the past. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment takes you back in time to stop the end of the world with X-Men: Days Of Future Past released recently on Digital HD and 3D Blu-ray, Blu-ray and DVD. Featuring a massive collaboration of legendary actors and…

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Behind the Scenes: How an Adelaide studio created the best scene in X-Men: Days of Future Past

So you’re watching through the incredible X-Men: Days of Future Past on your Blu-Ray player, aching for that moment when the film reaches a certain scene. You aren’t discounting the overall quality of the universally acclaimed X-Men installment, but today you just want to re-live the sheer giddiness that you went through when you first…

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Box Office Report: X-Men takes the top spot again while Maleficent opens strong

After having the biggest opening weekend of the year by taking in almost $8.4 million, Fox’s superhero sequel X-Men: Days of Future Past had another solid weekend, securing the top spot with almost $4.5 million. The film has received excellent reviews, including our own rave review, which you can read here. The film has succeeded in being a…

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Film Review: X-Men Days of Future Past (USA, 2014)

X Men: Days of Future Past focuses heavily on the concept of time travel , and in a similar fashion to the penultimate season of Lost, approaches it with a sense of playful irreverence as we are given something much lighter than the previous X Men installment (First Class). Mystique plays a central role in…

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Box Office Report: X-Men: Days of Future Past has the year’s biggest opening and revitalises the franchise

Bryan Singer’s X-Men (2000) is generally credited with starting the phenomenally successful boom of modern comic book film adaptations that has dominated popular culture in the years since. Previous to the release of the film, comic book films had found some success with the Superman and Batman series, but had hit a low point with Batman & Robin in…

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Epic new international trailer released for X-Men: Days of Future Past

Expectations have been building ever since it was announced that X-Men and X-Men 2 director Brian Singer would be returning to helm the next film in the series, titled X-Men: Days of Future Past. They were raised even further with the release of the incredible first trailer last year, and are likely to shoot through the roof with the release of…

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