
Video Games Review: Lego Marvel’s Avengers (PS4, 2016)

I’m torn. Officially torn. And this review is probably going to reinforce that a lot. Reason being is that Lego Marvel’s Avengers instigates a vicious conflict between me as a giant nerd and me as an objective game reviewer. And it wouldn’t surprise me if the very same struggle wasn’t exclusive to me, because while…

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PlatinumGames is releasing a TMNT game this year and it looks beautiful

PlatinumGames (Bayonetta, Transformers Devastation)  have revealed that they’re working on a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game called Mutants in Manhattan and thanks to the trailer they dropped, we can tell you that it looks wonderful. First thing you’ll notice are those sweet cel shaded visuals. Granted, I’ve been a sucker since I first laid eyes on…

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