Xbox One X

The Latest Halo Infinite Trailer Brings the Goods

343 Industries revealed the latest look at Halo Infinite overnight, presenting an action-packed look at what Halo fans can expect from the campaign, when it launches on December 8. Accompanied by that sweet, glorious Halo theme, we get to see Master Chief embark on a quest to track down what remains of Cortana, as the…

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Xbox One

Two Days to Retirement: The life and times of the Xbox One

For the last seven years, the Xbox One has been one of the internet’s favourite punching bags. The machine that Xbox debuted at Microsoft’s Redmond campus ahead of E3 2013 was suffering an identity crisis. It was a video game console that focused on everything BUT video games. Against a resurgent and clear-minded PlayStation, the…

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The AU’s Father’s Day Gift Guide: Xbox Edition

The Xbox One is a console with serious Dad Energy, and we say that with love. It’s full of military shooters and high-quality racing sims, the kind of games that get dads of all stripes a touch excited. If you’ve run out of ideas for Father’s Day gifts, look no further. We’ve got this handy…

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Game Review: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (Switch, 2018) spins its way onto all Major Platforms.

I had the pleasure of diving back into the way back machine with the old overgrown, orange marsupial last week with Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy on the Nintendo Switch. Crash, despite a few niggling flaws, it still holds up magnificently after 22 years thanks to its wonderful remaster of the very first 3 games in…

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More Xbox 360 games are now backwards compatible, Xbox One X Enhanced

Xbox have announced today that a handful of fresh Xbox 360 titles coming to their backward compatibility program. Further, all four of these games have been updated with Xbox One X Enhanced compatibility meaning they’ll look nicer and run better on the higher end hardware.

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February’s Xbox Games With Gold titles include Shadow Warrior and Split/Second

It’s that time of the month again where console owners crane their necks to see what they can squeeze out of the corporate overlords, and this month is a bit up and down for Xbox owners.

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Dark Souls: Remastered brings From Software’s accidental masterpiece to the Nintendo Switch

Bandai Namco have announced that Dark Souls: Remastered is on its way to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC. In a surprise Nintendo Direct Mini broadcast overnight, the House of N also confirmed the game would be coming to the Nintendo Switch.

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Yo ho ho and a boat full of trolls, Sea of Thieves drops March 20

Microsoft have announced that their upcoming multiplayer pirate title, Sea of Thieves, will see release worldwide on March 20, 2018. The game, created by legendary developer Rare Ltd, has seen multiple technical alphas and has been the sleeper multiplayer hit at numerous gaming trade shows over the last two years.

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Xbox Australia are releasing IRL PUBG supply drops across the nation this weekend

Fans of the immensely popular online shooter PlayerUnknown‘s Battlegrounds in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, get ready to mobilise. Xbox Australia are, perhaps irresponsibly, planning to release real world versions of the game’s coveted supply drops into your neighbourhood this very weekend.

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Games Review: Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Xbox One X, 2017): Tempted, but not quite giving in to the Dark Side

Star Wars Battlefront II, a game mired in launch window controversy. Is it as terrible as the screaming denizens of the internet would have you believe or is it all being blown out of proportion? For our Battlefront II review, we thought we’d split it into two discrete components — the single player campaign, reviewed by…

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Games Review: Need for Speed Payback (Xbox One X, 2017): Grind before fun

If I can communicate anything to you about Need for Speed Payback, it’s this: when the game first asks you to pick a car, choose wisely. Choose wisely, because you’re going to have that car for a really, really long time.

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Games Review: Sonic Forces (Xbox One X, 2017): Fan service meets bad design

Hello there, fellow Sonic fan. Remember that period of unalloyed joy during the launch of Sonic Mania this year? The feeling of burgeoning hope that, after 20 years of Sega openly ignoring what made their mascot great, the ol’ blue blur might finally be back on track? Well, forget all that because Sonic Forces is here to make…

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Games Review: Call of Duty: WWII (Xbox One X, 2017): A welcome return to form

What is this sensation I’m feeling? Is it … enjoyment? Am I actually having fun with a Call of Duty game again? I think I am! My god, it’s been a while.

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Games Review: Xbox One X (2017): Raw power, same mistakes

Boy, Don Mattrick really fucked Xbox, didn’t he? It’s been five years since Microsoft’s now-infamous E3 2013 presentation, the unveiling of an All-in-One corporate fantasy wildly out of step with what its audience actually wanted and expected. Microsoft have been trying to course correct ever since. So dominated have they been by the runaway success…

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Paris Games Week 2017: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds sets a release date for Xbox One

The most popular game in the world, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, is coming to Xbox One. This we’ve known since E3 earlier this year. What we haven’t known was when. Now we have an answer, and it’s way sooner than you were expecting.

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Games Review [PROVISIONAL]: Assassin’s Creed Origins (PS4, 2017): Something borrowed, something new

Assassin’s Creed Origins is a greatest hits of modern action-adventure game design. In seeking to update the series’ ageing core mechanics and design, Origins looks to its genre stablemates to see what they’re doing and where it can’t subtly imitate them, it copies them brazenly instead. What surprised me the most about this smash-and-grab design philosophy…

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Xbox is opening a pop up gaming hotel in Sydney because, sure, why not

Xbox Australia and Eventbrite are opening a pop up gaming hotel in Sydney that will allow guests a chance to go hands on with the new Xbox One X console ahead of launch. Feel like a sleep over?

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Hands On: Assassin’s Creed Origins (Xbox One X, 2017) feels like a game ready to try new things

As I write this, Assassin’s Creed Origins releases in exactly one month from today. It is, quite rightly, the subject of a bit of scrutiny from fans and detractors of the series alike. The first title to break with the series’ long running annual release pattern in quite a while, Origins has a lot of questions to answer….

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Ten things discovered while playing the Xbox One X

The Xbox One X has been met with a bit of bemusement by Australian gaming hobbyists so far. First we couldn’t pre-order the machine but could instead go on a waitlist. Then it was announced that the unit was cost Aussie punters a whopping $649.95 AUD. Then pre-orders for the machine finally opened but the…

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Hands-On Preview: Everything We’ve Played on the Xbox One X So Far

So you managed to snag a preorder on the Xbox One X before they sold out. Fantastic effort, great job! But what the hell are you going to play on it, and which games will allow you to take advantage of all that raw power? Xbox Australia invited us to a hands on event in…

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Crackdown 3 has been delayed into 2018

Crackdown 3, the long-awaited third entry in the open-world superpowered police series, has been delayed into 2018 according to a new report from Polygon.

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