Xbox Series X

Like a Dragon: Ishin! Review: Fresh setting, familiar faces

For as much as I have enjoyed almost every entry in the Yakuza series (known in Japan as Like a Dragon), I was surprised to find I had never encountered Like a Dragon: Ishin! Funnily enough, western fans might have felt the same way, upon realising that this entry is actually a remake of a…

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Need for Speed Unnound Review: Racing in Style

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve fallen out of love with Need for Speed games in recent years. It’s not that they’ve been necessarily bad, but given recently established franchises like the Forza Horizon series or the returning Gran Turismo series, Need for Speed has had seemingly little to offer the genre in…

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Pentiment Review: An Incredible, Informative Detective Thriller

At first glance, Pentiment felt like a game I wouldn’t necessarily be interested in. I’m not big on medieval Eurpoean history, nor am I invested in the text-based gameplay that Pentiment thrives on. That being said, I’m glad I came across it. Pentiment is without a doubt the biggest surprise of 2022 so far, but I…

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Somerville Review: A Memorable Journey

It feels like it’s been a while since the last wave of rather memorable physics-based, side scrolling experiences like Limbo and Inside. Thankfully, Somerville brings with it that immediate sense of mystery and wonder that I only now realised I had been missing. Development studio Jumpship’s co-founder Dino Patti, also founded development company Playdead, and…

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The City will return in NBA 2K23 along with new Australian Boomers content

NBA 2K23 will be bringing back The City to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S players. As a result of community feedback, The City will look to make a number of changes and improvements for a smoother, more enjoyable experience. With wide, expansive environments and deeper levels of exploration and variety, The City has been…

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Bright Memory: Infinite Review: A Linear Yet Admirable Action Outing

My time with Bright Memory: Infinite has been interesting, to say the least. As I loaded up my assault rifle, picking off enemies in the distance, I quickly navigated my surroundings. I bounced off walls to get across precarious chasms. I hacked and slashed my way through obtrusive enemies. I participated in lighting fast quick…

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Forza Horizon 5

Forza Horizon 5 Preview: No One Sleep In Mexico

Forza Horizon 5 has a formula that is, by now, well established. These are semi-arcade racers that are more concerned with taking dream cars for a joy ride than they are about being a detailed motorsport simulation. Forza Horizon 5 returns to the series to the Americas for the first time since the original, setting…

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Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 Review: Viva La Revolution

The Far Cry series has faltered over the past few years. Recent iterations were either lacking immersive worlds, memorable villains, innovative gameplay, or all three. While far from terrible, it’s clear that nothing has been as good as the darling that is Far Cry 3. And it seems as though Ubisoft has heard. Far Cry…

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Battlefield 2042 Open Beta Impressions: Order Through Chaos

Battlefield 2042 might just be enough to bring me back to Battlefield. In BF’s recent absence, Warzone and Modern Warfare have drawn many competitive shooter fans over to the Call of Duty franchise in the past few years. myself included. But a recent hands-on with Battlefield 2042’s Open Beta reminded me exactly why I’ve missed the…

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Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood

Gallery: The art of The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood

If you can look at this Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood concept art and not hear the Skyrim theme, you might be fibbing. Bethesda’s popular MMORPG is enjoying something of a golden age. The return of daedric lord Mehrunes Dagon has drawn many old and relapsed fans back into the fold. The latest in a string…

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Call of Duty Vanguard beta

Call of Duty: Vanguard Beta Impressions: Tone and tenor

It’s that military shooter end of the year again, and Call of Duty Vanguard is hot on the horizon. A franchise well known for its collection of action-packed World War 2 shooters has come full circle, as developer Sledgehammer Games have opted in to take Call of Duty: Vanguard back in time for an old…

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Balenciaga Fortnite

Balenciaga drops Fortnite fits in-game and IRL

Fortnite has partnered with luxury fashion label Balenciaga on a run of clothing both in-game and IRL. The collaboration includes updated (and highly fashionable) skins for fan-favourite characters Doggo, Ramirez, Knight, and Banshee. Certain skins are reactive and will change colour in concert with your actions during play. You can pick up each skin individually …

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NBA 2K22

NBA 2K22 Review: Consistency, and the art of being a team player

NBA 2K22 couldn’t have arrived at a better time. It’s been a rough couple of seasons for the NBA. A global pandemic, postponed games, bubble playoffs, shortened seasons and play-in tournaments have charted a new future for the sport. The lone beacon of consistency: that the NBA 2K franchise will smash out its annual instalment,…

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Saints Row

Saints Row Reboot Explodes In New Trailer

The Saints Row franchise is being treated to a welcome reboot. The zany antics and humour the series is known for appear to be back in full force. In a fresh trailer shown at Gamescom 2021, this reboot will simply be titled Saints Row. The trailer is centred around a group of four friends, scouting…

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Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2 Keeps the Action Moving With a New Trailer

It’s safe to say that Dying Light 2 has had a lengthy development run leading up to the next generation of consoles. An indefinite delay has turned itself into one of the most promising zombie titles in recent memory, packed with tense action, incredible set pieces, and that smooth parkour that made the first Dying…

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Flight Simulator World Update 6

Microsoft Flight Simulator‘s World Update 6 to expand world again

The hotly anticipated Flight Simulator DLC, World Update 6, is coming in early September. With Microsoft Flight Simulator releasing on Xbox’s next-generation consoles last month, a whole new group of enthusiasts have been sinking their teeth into one of the best iterations in the long running series, with incredible visuals and clever controller functionality. But…

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Forza Horizon 5

Forza Horizon 5 gets Gamescom deep dive

Forza Horizon 5 developer Playground Games appeared on the Xbox Gamescom Stream for a deep dive into their upcoming game. As announced at E3 this year, Forza Horizon 5 heads to Mexico. The first trailer features the game’s opening sequence, in which players arrive in Mexico for the first time. Players are dropped out of…

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EPOS H3 Headphones Review: High-end competitor

The EPOS H3 is the latest gaming headset from Sennheiser’s nascent gaming arm. Though Senny has released scores of gaming headsets in the GSP series, the EPOS label now picks up the slack. I feel good In the H3, EPOS seems to be trying hard to veer away from the chunky, heavy GSP range and…

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Xbox Gamescom 2021 Australian

Where to watch the Xbox Gamescom 2021 conference in Australian times

Looking for where you can see the Xbox conference at Gamescom 2021 in Australian times? Look no further. Despite feeling like E3 only just ended a few minutes ago, Gamescom is upon us. The biggest video game trade show in the world, Gamescom is usually held in Cologne, Germany in the last week of August….

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F1 2021

F1 2021 Review: A farewell to the Hybrid Era

F1 2021, like the real motorsport it’s based on, has a lot of moving parts. This is developer Codemasters’ first F1 since its acquisition by Electronic Arts. As such, it bears a few now-classic EA Sports hallmarks. EA Sports titles need to serve several masters, and therefore so does F1 2021. The first thing it needs…

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Flight Simulator Xbox

Microsoft Flight Simulator (Xbox) Review: Clear skies ahead

Microsoft Flight Simulator on Xbox was being requested by fans before the PC version had even launched last year. To launch on a modern console is a first for Microsoft’s legendary series of flight sims. This is a franchise that predates both Microsoft Office and the Windows operating system and yet has never been available…

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NBA 2K22

A First Look at NBA 2K22’s New and Returning Features

Basketball mania continues! The NBA Finals are drawing to a close, offseason madness is set to begin and we were treated to some sweet NBA 2K22 cover athlete announcements. To top it all off, we got the chance to speak with the team at Visual Concepts and 2K Games as Mike Wang (Gameplay Director), Erick…

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NBA 2K22 cover

There are six, count ’em, six NBA 2K22 cover athletes

Despite only being one video game, NBA 2K22 will launch with a whopping six cover athletes across its many different editions. The standard edition will feature two-time NBA All-Star Luke Dončić, while icons like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Dirk Nowitzki and the great Kevin Durant will grace the cover of the NBA 2K22 75th Anniversary Edition. You…

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Chivalry 2 Review: Mighty Medieval Chaos

You spawn on an open battlefield, side by side with your teammates. As you are given a rousing speech, the match begins. You burst out, sprinting with all your might, letting out an outrageously wonky and exaggerated battlecry, as you hurdle towards the opposing faction. Sword and shield in hand, you crash into a wall…

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Space Jam game

Space Jam: A New Legacy: The Game revives classic the Shaq-Fu brawler

Space Jam: A New Legacy is getting a video game tie-in that recalls the greatest arcade sports games of the 16-bit era. It’s a 2D, pixel art, side-scrolling beat-em-up in the vein of Shaq-Fu and Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City. Space Jam: A New Legacy: The Game was developed by Digital Eclipse. DE is the…

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Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life Preview: You’re full of Tall Tales, Sparrow

This week Sea of Thieves will launch A Pirate’s Life, one of the game’s most impactful updates ever. The update, which launches in tandem with its Season Three content drop, is a set of five new Tall Tales all centred around Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Tall Tales are the Sea of Thieves version…

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The Outer Worlds 2

The Outer Worlds 2 drops most self-aware trailer, coming 2022

Obsidian Entertainment has confirmed development is underway on The Outer Worlds 2. It is the sequel to the studio’s Game of the Year winning Fallout-style RPG. The trailer walks the viewer through a litany of tropes associated with trailers seen at E3, usually for games not that far into development. It’s a great time. You…

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Forza Horizon 5

E3 2021: Forza Horizon 5 heads to Mexico, next-gen racing is here

Forza Horizon 5, the Xbox Series X|S’s graphical showpiece, has arrived. This fifth instalment in the popular open-world racing title takes Horizon Festival to Mexico. This will be the first time the Horizon series has returned to the Americas since the original game. According to developer Playground Games, “(f)un, freedom, and beauty” are the watchwords…

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New Arkane game Redfall an Xbox exclusive

The next game from Arkane Studios is Redfall. It’s a 4-player co-operative multiplayer game in the vein of Left 4 Dead, except instead of zombies you’ll be battling vampires. Because this is an Arkane game, it’s fair to assume that level construction and player agency will be core facets of Redfall‘s design. Arkane is known…

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Guardians of the Galaxy

E3 2021: Guardians of the Galaxy game coming from Eidos Montreal

Eidos Montreal is making a single-player action game around Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. The game puts players in control of Peter Quill, Star Lord, as he and the still newly-formed Guardians eke out a living in some of the galaxy’s sketchiest locales. The Guardians roster consists of the same line up from James Gunn’s…

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