
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair Review: Learning from the greats

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair gets a lot of things right, and chief among them: it proves that the character platformer genre, the long-dead moneymaker of the 16-bit era, can still engage and excite in 2019. The original Yooka-Laylee was considered by most to be a good if unremarkable 3D platformer. Created by many of the…

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Everything Old Is New Again: The Rise of Video Game Nostalgia

It seems ironic that the more video games improve and grow, the more gamers yearn for the simpler classics of their past. Sure, graphics might have advanced to the point of near-photorealism, but what’s more impressive? That, or being a low polygon Australian mammal with the ability to double jump? For many, it seems the…

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Video Games Review: Yooka-Laylee (PS4, 2017) is not the triumphant return to 90’s 3D platforming we were hoping for

We live in the era of Nostalgia As A Marketing Tool. The repackaging of childhood memories, sold back to millennial audiences for a profit, has become the go-to move for film and video game studios looking to make a fast buck. Sometimes these experiments in nostalgia work out. Sometimes they are a hard lesson in learning…

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E3 2016: The Yooka-Laylee E3 trailer is a surgical strike on your nostalgia gland

Last year, Playtonic Games, a developer made up of former Rare devs, ran a successful Kickstarter for a spiritual successor to the classic platformer Banjo-Kazooie called Yooka-Laylee. The game’s first trailer has arrived and it’s going to have you itching to dust off your N64.

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