Australia’s best bartenders are doing live mixology classes via Facebook

While we are (hopefully) all doing our part in lockdown, many have taken to perfecting different types of skills, or learning new ones from scratch. One obvious winner has been the home-bar, with plenty of people practicing the art of mixology with whatever they can their hands on. It’s better when experts are guiding you, which is why Simply Cocktails have started doing free online classes via Facebook with Australia’s best bartenders.

From now until the end of June, Simply Cocktails will be running a social media platform called “Home Five O’Clock-tails”, going live via Facebook with video tutorials and virtual mini masterclasses with the country’s finest shakers. The masterclasses, which go down every Tuesday and Friday at 5pm, will focus on both classics and some bespoke creations to help people make the best cocktails they can.

The next cab off the rank is Eau De Vie Sydney’s Danilo Migliorini who will be teaching people how to shake up the “ultimate Tia Maria Espresso”. Other classes on the schedule include lessons from Andy Buntine, former manager of Melbourne’s Katuk, tackling some Mozart Choc-tails, and a Tom Collins workshop by ambassador Josh O’Brien. The full schedule is below.

Simply Cocktails are looking to build the masterclasses into a regular thing, putting a call-out to recruit 100 Australia bartenders currently out of work due to (necessary) lockdown restrictions. The call-out is too simply submit a cocktail tutorial video, which should hopefully end up rolling out as one cocktail per weekday for the next 100 days.

You can find Simply Cocktails’ Facebook page here.

Masterclass Schedule via Simply Cocktails Facebook

Chris Singh

Chris Singh is an Editor-At-Large at the AU review, loves writing about travel and hospitality, and is partial to a perfectly textured octopus. You can reach him on Instagram: @chrisdsingh.