Domino’s just dropped a cheesy vegemite pizza… and it’s actually pretty damn good

There’s always a special time and place for Domino’s, and even if the time between finishing a full large pizza and being slapped with guilt and shame gets increasingly shorter the older you get, you’d be a fool for thinking you’d never go back to Australia’s most consistent pizza chain. The brand has nailed consistency, which is why when they bring out something new and slightly odd, it’s worth paying attention.

For the next two weeks, that shiny new thing is the limited-edition cheesy vegemite pizza, which is exactly what you expect. And if you like the classic Australian combo of cheese and vegemite on toast, all signs point to you loving it on pizza crust.

We tried it and can confirm Domino’s have been smart with the ratio of vegemite to cheese. Not too much, not too little, just right.

The collaboration between Domino’s and vegemite was born out of a simple social media poll that asked pizza lovers if they’d like to see the quintessentially Australian pizza added to the menu. The answer, obviously yes, was resounding, and forced Domino’s to slap this creation on the menu.

Really, it was only a matter of time before this combination became a reality. It’s just good to see (and taste) that Domino’s didn’t royally mess it up.

After consuming two large pizzas (with company), I’m confident that the vegemite and melted mozzarella pizza should stick around longer than the proposed end date of Monday 1st November. I wouldn’t really get the pizza by itself, but I’d use it as a supplement to munch on in addition to something like the classic pepperoni or meat lovers. Think of it as one of those garlic pizzas – it just makes the entire meal that much better.

Although if you hate vegemite and cheese, this won’t convert you.

Chris Singh

Chris Singh is an Editor-At-Large at the AU review, loves writing about travel and hospitality, and is partial to a perfectly textured octopus. You can reach him on Instagram: @chrisdsingh.