Pretzel flavoured M&M’s officially launch in Australia for World Chocolate Day

Announced to coincide with World Chocolate Day (that is, today), Mars Wrigley Australia has upped capacity to their chocolate factory in Ballarat in order to start producing one of the most popular flavours of M&Ms. That’s the salty and sweet Pretzel variant of the famous chocolate, which currently Australians would have had to import online from overseas.

With local production ramping up, M&M’s Pretzel is not only going to be a lot more prevalent across the country, it starts a chain of what promises to be a long line of Australian-inspired flavours. Lamington M&Ms? Davidson Plum M&Ms? Vegemite M&Ms? Nothing’s beyond a general promise has been confirmed, but it opens up plenty of potential for the bite-sized treats, as well as other Mars Wrigley products like Mars, Pods, and Milky Way.

“This latest project is part of our long-term ambition to continue to drive and develop our core bitesize brands that we manufacture locally in Ballarat,” Mars Wrigley Australia’s GM Andrew Leakey, who cites the innovation in Ballarat that has led to national favourites like M&M’s Honeycomb and the cinema-essential Pods chocolates.

M&M’s Pretzel will be available in all the typical supermarkets across Australia from next week, first in Coles from 13th July then Woolies from 28th July.

Chris Singh

Chris Singh is an Editor-At-Large at the AU review, loves writing about travel and hospitality, and is partial to a perfectly textured octopus. You can reach him on Instagram: @chrisdsingh.