Just in time for World Whisky Day (20th May), the prestigious John Walker & Sons series has launched their 2017 private collection in Australia. The high-end series of blended scotch whiskies by Master Blender Jim Beveridge has revealed a limited release of 5,588 individually numbered decanters in this fourth release of an ongoing series that highlights the dedication and innovation of the blenders behind the higher-end arm of Johnnie Walker, allowing the iconic whisky brand to dig into their rarest blends.
The 2017 Edition, Mastery of Oak, is the first bottle in the series to be unleashed upon a world of whisky connoisseurs, said to celebrate the full richness that cask character can bring to Blended Scotch Whiskies. Now stocked across Australia, and the world, the release has been described as a smooth, rich abundance of oak and fruit notes in a premium looking clear decanter designed to mirror the halo effect of wood.
Beveridge handpicked several exceptional malt and grain whiskies from American oak casks, refill casks and experimental casks in order to arrive at the Mastery of Oak, choosing each based on their “mastery of oak” and maturation.
“For Mastery of Oak, we assembled some of our finest casks into three main styles of oak effects”, described Beveridge. “Each vatting, brimming with complexity, was re-casked into blending puncheons for the flavours to combine. We’re delighted to have been able to bring them together to such great effect in the 2017 Edition, a sumptuous blend of oak-rich fruit notes”.
The John Walker & Sons Private Collection 2017 Edition (46.8% ABV) is a limited release of only 5,588 individually numbered decanters worldwide. The 2017 Edition is now available at selected liquor stores for a RRP of $995.
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