Renowned Clare Valley winery Taylors Wines conducted a study earlier this year, aimed at bringing better wine experiences to their consumers. The study found that 8 out of 10 Australians drink their red wine at ‘room temperature’, a tendency which is actually robbing wine-lovers of the full experience due to Australia’s warmer climate actually having a negative impact on the flavour of good quality varietales like shiraz, pinot noir, and cabernet sauvignon. Fortunately, there’s a technology out there to correct this and Taylors Wines have begun using it to ensure their Taylors Estate and Promised Land ranges are showing off their best possible sides to consumers.
The average temperature of an Aussie home, particularly in summer, ranges between 22 and 24*c, a temperature at which red wine is robbed of all its flavour and finesse, according to industry experts. The idea of drinking red wine at ‘room temperature’ originated from outside Australia, not considering this higher ‘room temperature’, unintentionally misleading Aussie wine lovers.
By the same token, white wine can also be adversely affected by temperature. Serving a white too cold can mask the intended flavours and aromas, pronouncing the acid and downplaying the complexity.
“Temperature is a vital piece in making sue wine is enjoyed at its very best”, said Mitchell Taylor, third generation M.D of Taylors Wines, adding “while our winemakers take great care to ensure our wine is of utmost quality and value, the warm Australian climate is no so great for storing and drinking wine”.
As an alternative to expensive high-tech wine fridges which are designed to help these situations, Taylors Wines are amongst the first to start using thermo-chromatic ink technology on their bottles (as you can see in the headline image), providing consumers with a simple, seamless way to monitor their wines temperature via a colour-coded label. Using this technology, the consumer is able to tell actually when is the perfect time and opportunity to pour their wine as it was intended. The optimal colour depends on the varietal and is indicated according to bottle.
According to Taylors Cheif Winemaker Adam Eggins, putting red wine in the fridge 30 minutes prior to serving will give the wine time to chill to the optimum drinking temperature, turning the back label’s small seahorse sensor to a bold fuchsia colour. Conversely, white wine is best pulled from the fridge 30 minutes prior to opening and enjoying, giving the wine time to warm up and open the various aromas and flavours intended.
The Taylors Estate range of wines are available for RRP $20. The Taylors Promised Land range are available for RRP $15. Both ranges are available at all food liquor retailers throughout Australia and online at