With the fiery single “Oxide”, indie-pop artist Phia has returned home from a successful tour through Europe and the UK. The single, taken from Phia’s The Woman Who Counted the Stars, represents an exciting phase for Phia, who has explored a new, heavier direction with her music through it.
Phia will be playing the Grampians Music Festival in Victoria in February 2018. Check out her official website for more details.
The tour started in Sheffield where we rehearsed with our drummer Ally, who lives there. This is my jet lagged face having a pint at the local near where we stayed, the Fat Cat.
Playing a spot of cricket at England’s oldest cricket pitch in Seven Oaks.
Josh and I played the first few shows in Germany as a duo and hired a car which beautifully matched Josh’s jacket.
The gorgeous band apartment we stayed in in Stuttgart, that overlooked a town square, with a fountain and all.
You get really good at packing and unpacking vans on tour, here is Josh when we weren’t thoroughly sick of the routine yet!
A market in a town in Germany’s south called Schwäbisch Hall which has been running for hundreds of years.
T-shirt team with Camille, a friend from Berlin who sings in our band when we’re there.
Eating the amazing food on offer in Berlin. Our tip – Lebanese eatery Nachtigall.
Our Berlin show was really magical, a super nice way to finish of the Germany tour. Singing some BVs for Josh’s last minute show at a clothing store in Kreuzberg. When we moved to Berlin it was these intimate art spaces where you could put on something spontaneous and creative which drew us to the city. It felt nice to finish up the Europe trip with a return to our roots!
We spent our final afternoon in Europe at Tempelhof, the old airport in Berlin’s East that’s been repurposed into a park watching the sun go down over the runway.
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