ABC announced on Monday that they will be releasing three new 6 x 5 minute narrative comedy web series, Goober, Almost Midnight and Lost in Pronunciation. ABC and the South Australian Film Corporation have collaborated together to launch the three comedies via streaming site ABC iView during the Christmas/New Years period. The purpose of the series is to showcase up-and-coming South Australian talent both on-and-off camera.
ABC Head of Audience & Digital Rebecca Heap and ABC Head of Comedy Rick Kalowski say: “Our first collaboration between ABC iview and the SAFC, designed to uncover some original and fresh short form digital content, unearthed some amazing new South Australian talent. These fantastic comedies are funny, original, moving, and exceptionally well-acted and made. We couldn’t be prouder to show Australian audiences Goober and Almost Midnight from December 26, and Lost in Pronunciation from January 1”.
The South Australian Film Corporation’s (SAFC) Chief Executive Annabelle Sheehan said she was delighted to see ABC iview launch the first three series created from the SAFC/ABC TV LABS.
“These three very different series are equally bold, and above all highly entertaining viewing. Short-form storytelling is a real art, and it is testament to the creativity of this fresh SA talent that they’ve produced such remarkably funny and poignant work. The ABC iview platform is the perfect place to launch the careers of these refreshing new storytelling voices, and I thank the ABC for their support of South Australian talent through this fantastic initiative.”
Check out info on all the comedies below!
Goober tells the story of Harry (Brendan Williams) who is an overly-friendly Uber driver, aspiring to be best friends with every passenger he meets. Being on the autism spectrum, he spends his days confusing his passengers with his persona despite his dad (Shane Jacobson) being a hands-free phone call away for help if needed. Goober will be available on iview on Boxing Day.
Almost Midnight is a coming-of-age romantic comedy. Each of the six episodes are framed to be a year apart exploring the complicated relationship between Dan (co-creator/writer and director Stephen Banham) and his dream woman, Jen. Over the course of six New Year Eve’s, the audience witness Dan’s growth from an awkward, fumbling man into someone that knows what he wants. Almost Midnight will be available on iview on Boxing Day.
Lost in Pronunciation has been described as a “fish out of water” comedy series from award-winning comedian Venezuelan born Ivan Aristeguieta. It’s an autobiographical story where a young man escapes the dangers of his home country Venezuela and ends up in a safe place known as South Australia. Ivan realises that it takes more than ticking the right boxes to become a permanent resident in Australia. It premieres Sunday 1 January on ABC iview.