Apple debuts brand new, comprehensive Game of Thrones Season 5 trailer

game of thrones season 5

In what is perhaps the most revealing trailer Game of Thrones has ever released for a season, a new 1:51 minute sneak peak has debuted via Apple’s hotly anticipated Spring Forward keynote. We take a look at Dany’s triumphant ‘break the wheel’ speech, a potential war between Bolton and Baratheon, new characters, and more.

With Jon Snow now caught between Stannis and Mance as the wall decide what to do with the wildlings, Dany planning some big power moves, Tyrion on the run with Varys, and Arya growing in leaps and bounds, we are now well and truly far from the events of season 1. Game of Thrones has transformed in unexpected ways, and the current configuration of the seven kingdoms is more exciting than ever. With the potential for so many new dynamics, as characters edge closer and closer together, Season 5 is looking to be the best yet and this trailer only reiterates that. Have a watch below. Valar morghulis.

Game of Thrones Season 5 premieres in the U.S on April 12th (April 13th in Australia).


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Chris Singh

Chris Singh is an Editor-At-Large at the AU review, loves writing about travel and hospitality, and is partial to a perfectly textured octopus. You can reach him on Instagram: @chrisdsingh.