Australian stars celebrate 50 years of Sound of Music


Twentieth Century Fox classic The Sound of Music celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2015, and some of Australia’s biggest stars and media personalities have come together to commemorate the occasion with a special video and rendition of “Do Re Me”.

Stars such as Guy Sebastian, Ita Buttrose and Ryan Fitzgerald have come together with the Australian Girls Choir to create their own version of the classic song. The video also contains a guest appearance by Nicholas Hammond, who played Fredrich Von Trapp in the original film, as well as cameos from many Australian fans of the film. The video celebrates the love that many still have for the classic film, and The Sound of Music‘s cultural importance, something that still holds up fifty years after its release.

First released in 1965, the film’s anniversary will be commemmorated with a special edition four-disc DVD set, which also includes a limited-edition porcelain teacup. The new DVD set also includes a new documentary, The Sound of a City: Julie Andrews Returns to Saltzburg, which documents Andrews’ return to the city where the filming of her most iconic feature occurred.

The film will also be released as a two-disc blu-ray edition.


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