After taking home the Oscar for Best Picture earlier this year, the critically acclaimed Birdman has been released on DVD and Blu-Ray today in Australia, following its digital release last month. You can read our FOUR AND A HALF STAR review of the film HERE.
We got our hands on the Blu-Ray edition of the film which includes three special features. Firstly, there is a fantastic, in depth making of featurette (dubbed “All-Access”) which looks at everything from the special effects, to the direction, cinematography and the unique soundtrack. It runs for about half an hour. A fifteen minute in conversation piece accompanies this, with director Alejandro G. Iñárritu and lead actor Michael Keaton, which delivers some entertaining and insightful moments into the production. And finally, a stunning photography collection features 41 on set photographs from Oscar winning Cinematographer Emmanuel ‘Chivo’ Lubezki.
The JB Hi-Fi release of the film in Australia also comes packed with special art cards inspired by the film (as pictured above). Though a film of this magnitude deserved a commentary (even in Iñárritu’s native tongue, with subtitles, would have been welcomed) and probably a few more features, it’s a solid selection to add to the film’s home release. The half an hour All-Access featurette is particularly insightful. The Blu-Ray edition also includes a digital copy of the film. All features are in HD (1080p) with Dolby Digital 2.0.
Special Features (Blu-Ray) Review Score: THREE AND A HALF STARS (OUT OF FIVE)]
Birdman is available on Blu-Ray and DVD now.