The “Heroes Reborn” panel at Comic-Con over the weekend saw a very insightful trailer released for the revival series, revealing that Jack Coleman (Noah Bennet) and Masi Oka (Hiro) weren’t the only original characters returning to help the mini-series maintain continuity.
In this full trailer we catch glimpses of Jimmy Jean-Louis (“the Haitian”), Cristine Rose (Angela Petrelli), Sendhil Ramamurthy (Mohinder Suresh), Noah Gray-Cabey (Micah Sanders), and Greg Grunberg (Matt Parkman). With so many returning characters, mixed in with new heroes, we can assume that there will plenty of opportunities to fit this story in to the one that began nine years ago.
“The challenge is that since we came along, we looked like nothing else on TV, and now huge shows are out there that we have to compete with,” Tim Kring said as he hosted the panel, bringing out special guests Oka, Jean-Lousi, and Grunberg.
“We left with Claire Bennett exposing these powers to the world, her coming out, so now everyone knows about these powers,” Kring said. “The entire world knows about these powers and it’s not such a good thing.”
The trailer also gives us a close look at what kind of powers the new “EVOS” are going to have. Watch below.
Heroes will premiere on NBC in September. An Australian premiere is yet to be confirmed.