Directed by Riley Blakeway, Corona Extra Presets Someplace Else is a special short film which follows an eclectic group of artistic individuals as they embark on the ultimate road trip along the Mexican coast. They piled into a transporter bus for 7 days and 7 nights, traveling the coast, meeting locals along the way while eating, living, and drinking the Mexican culture.
Here we bring you a short Q&A with Dylan Graves, one of the artists who you will be following on this journey. Graves let’s us know how he got involved in this unique short film and how it lent to his personal growth.
How did you get involved in “Someplace Else”?
Got the invite from Corona asking if I’d like a beer in Mexico. I said yes.
What do you learn about yourself on a trip like this?
Being around such talented humans is definitely inspiring. I guess I learned that I wanted to play music, skate and paint better.
Did you have a favourite spot along the Mexican coast to drink a Corona?
At any of the taco stands on the side of the road.
Food of choice on a Mexican Road Trip?
Where had the best waves?
Chacala (I believe it’s spelled)
What was your soundtrack for the trip?
R Kelly
What do you think or hope people will take away from the film about the trip?
To get out there and experience something, anything… and drink Corona beer.
And a chance for some self promo: let us in on what you’re up to at the moment / what’s coming up for you…
Listening to more R Kelly, he’s good…
The full version of Someplace Else will be released on on Monday May 12