Exclusive SXSW Interview: Grant Bowler, Elizabeth Reaser, Timothee Chalamet & Andrew Droz Palermo on ‘One & Two’!


Andrew Droz Palermo is no stranger to Austin, bringing and being a part of films premiering at the SXSW Film Festival in the past. This year however, he makes his narrative feature directorial debut with One & Two, a film revolving around a family unit isolated and mysterious, and the children of which who demonstrate special gifts. Starring Mad Men’s Kiernan Shipka (pictured) and Interstellar’s Timothee Chalamet as the two teenagers the film focuses on, One & Two has won applause for the story, cinematography and more already.

We sat down with Palermo, Chalamet and also cast members Grant Bowler and Elizabeth Reaser to discuss the making of the film, working with a small cast in creating a strong family dynamic for the screen and bringing it to audiences first in Berlin, where it premiered at the Berlinale and now, to Austin for SXSW.

“I think it was the first time that I actually watched a film that I’ve been in and gone, ‘Shoot, you know I think it’s everything it could’ve been’. That’s a really, really lovely experience to have. In places, I think it’s even better than I could’ve imagined.” Bowler says of the experience of working on the film.

Listen to the full chat below!




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