George RR Martin releases chapter from sixth A Song of Ice and Fire book The Winds of Winter


It’s been a long time since 2011’s A Dance with Dragons was released, serving as the fifth installment in George RR Martin’s incredibly involving A Song of Ice and Fire series – which you probably also know as the source material for Game of Thrones. Now the sixth installment is being prepared and as a token to make up for making us wait to so damn long, Martin has released an approximately 7000 word chapter from the forthcoming book.

The chapter focuses on Sansa Stark/Alayne and can be found HERE.

Meanwhile, the world is looking forward to the fifth season of Game of Thrones which will premiere around the world on Monday April 13th (Australian time) since HBO has come to a simulcast agreement to have the episode screened at the same time in more than 170 countries. In Australia the deal would involved Foxtel and New Zealand the deal would involve Sky.


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Chris Singh

Chris Singh is an Editor-At-Large at the AU review, loves writing about travel and hospitality, and is partial to a perfectly textured octopus. You can reach him on Instagram: @chrisdsingh.