To celebrate the upcoming live action Ghost in the Shell adaptation, stars Scarlett Johansson, “Beat” Takeshi Kitano, and director Rupert Sanders joined fans in Tokyo on Sunday for the film’s global launch party.
The celebrations, which were held at Tabloid, kicked off with Taiko drummers, including the legendary anime film composer Kenji Kawai. Attendees were given an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the costumes and props from the film, as well as never before seen footage from the film. Fans could also capture their experience in a film-centric experiential photo booth entitled “Becoming the Major.”
The show concluded with Johansson, Kitano, and Sanders debuting the film’s global trailer, triggering its worldwide launch.
Ghost in the Shell is a live adaptation of the popular anime film from 1995. Set in the 2029, it tells the story of a cyborg police woman who is trying to track down a hacker.
Ghost in the Shell is due for release in Australia on March 30, 2017.