Game of Thrones and Star Wars: The Force Awakens star Gwendoline Christie has confirmed that fans haven’t seen the last of Captain Phasma in an interview with People at the 2016 SAG Awards.
“I will be in the next Star Wars movie” Christie declared.
She also commented on what attracted her to the part, saying “I thought the costume was incredibly striking. I also just liked this notion of a female stormtrooper.”
“I felt it encouraged diversity and it was doing something new and it was an interesting bit of casting for women, and I hope that in something that was such a mainstream success it would breed more of those kind of opportunities for other women.”
Though her role in The Force Awakens was a relatively-small one, her character already has a loyal fan following and it’ll be exciting to if and how that popularity shapes her next appearance.
Episode VIII has yet to have an official title. However, production on the film is already underway and set for release on December 17th 2017.