Japanese Film Festival announces 2016 dates and program highlights

The 20th Japanese Film Festival will return nationwide later this year, showcasing the latest in Japanese film, alongside a Classics program in Sydney.

Highlights include leading Japanese horror director Kiyoshi Kurosawa‘s (Cure) new film Creepy, as well as popular manga adaptation Chihayafura Parts I and II, and seafood documentary Tsukiji Wonderland.

The festival will also include a JFF Classics program exclusively to Sydney, which includes a screening of Kaneto Shindo‘s 1952 docudrama Children of Hiroshima.

Dates for the festival are below:

CANBERRA – 14 to 23 October 2016 at Capital Cinemas, Manuka

ADELAIDE – 21 to 30 October 2016 at at Mercury Cinema

BRISBANE 26 to 30 October 2016 at Event Cinemas Brisbane City Myer Centre

PERTH 2 to 6 November 2016 at Hoyts Carousel, Cannington

SYDNEY 17 to 27 November 2016 at Event Cinemas George Street

MELBOURNE – 24 November to 4 December 2016 at Hoyts Melbourne Central & ACMI Cinemas

SYDNEY CLASSICS – 8 October to 6 November 2016 at Art Gallery of NSW (Free admission. Tickets are issued at the Domain Theatre one hour before.)

For more information, visit japanesefilmfestival.net


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