The Jungle Book only just opened but director Jon Favreau is already planning his next big move, with his recent announcement that he’ll be serving as producer on the next two Avengers films.
“I talk to them about it all the time. I’ve worked both in front of and behind the camera with Marvel and I really love what they’re doing right now”, Favreau said in a recent interview with Digital Spy .
Favreau directed Iron Man 1 & 2, essentially kicking off the highly successful Marvel Cinematic Universe.
“It’s a really exciting time to be over there. I’ve seen a rough cut of Civil War and it’s fantastic.
He only pitched in as an executive producer on Iron Man 3 in an effort to try other things. But now that his much anticipated live-action Jungle Book adaptation is in cinemas, he’s looking forward to getting back into the superhero game.
“We’re constantly looking for things to do together. And now I’m freed up.”
Even though Phase 3 of the MCU has only just begun (with Captain America 3: Civil War opening next week), Marvels slate of films has been layed out in advance with sequels (Thor 3: Ragnorok, Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol.2) and new heroes (Black Panther, Captian Marvel) It will all culminate – with Favreau’s help – in Avengers: Infinity War 1 & 2, which will release in 2 parts in May 2018 & 2019, respectively.
For a quick hit of Jon Favreau , check out The Jungle Book in theatres now.